今天終于看完了Death to 2020, 這肯定不能算是一部電影, 説是紀錄片我也覺得勉強, 更像一部用黑色幽默吐嘈現實的"半偽紀錄片", 無分真假, 打破了記錄和表演的時序和邏輯, 用新聞播報加演員表演的形式, 串聯起了一系列2020大事件. 所以我也不想寫影評了, 乾脆寫一篇我的發洩.
What does 2020 mean to everyone?
A year with COVID throughout (and will keep in 2021) while all kinds of headlines pop up everyday. I hate coronavirus, and we still don’t know where it actually came from ( you can blame bats as they can’t speak for themselves). But I hate political correctness more, we can’t say anything inconsistent with the mainstream. I also hate social medias, it creates polarization, people are separated into different groups and hate each other.
What did we learn from this year? I don’t know. If you think everything is gonna be fine with Trump's leave and vaccines' coming, you are just too naive. We all know 2020 is an awful year, but when thinking about the upcoming possibly worse future (and a possible WWIII as some predicted), maybe 2020 is just a beginning.
Because humans are fucking idiots
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