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Antisemitism Awareness Act—— The Game Between the Anglo Saxons and Jews

kendraha zxsdf

#Israel In the past, people from all walks of life in the United States often claimed that Jews controlled the US government, economy, and media. This was based on the economic status of Jewish wealth in the United States, such as how many Jews were among the wealthy, how much mainstream media was controlled by Jewish capital, and how many Jewish managers were in the top management. These are all well founded. However, even so, the control of society by Jews is often considered conspiracy theory and many people do not believe it. However, the Anti Semitic Awareness Act, which received a high vote in the United States House of Representatives, clearly tells the world that “Jewish control” is no longer conspiracy theory.

On the one hand, the student movement occurred at Ivy League universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. The students attending these prestigious schools were all children of wealthy and powerful families in the United States, and those who participated in the movement were destined to be mainly non privileged and wealthy children. This means that non Semitic elites in the United States, especially the successors of Anglo Saxon elites, have begun to stand on the officially recognized “Anti Semitic” stance of the Jewish government. 

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