How does ZigBee apply to smart lighting control?

Zigbee technology is a wireless communication technology applied in short distance and low speed

Zigbee technology is a wireless communication technology applied in short distance and low speed; Ebyte's product Wang certainly will not let it go, and has successively launched MESH network products based on zigbee technology - E18, E180, E800; The coordinator controls router equipment and terminal equipment to realize intelligent lighting control.

Case diagram

The light sensor detects the illuminance and transmits the data to the E180-ZG120A device. The E180-ZG120A transmits the data to the E800-DTU (Z2530-ETH-27) wirelessly, and the E800-DTU (Z2530-ETH-27) transmits the data through the Ethernet. Delivered to the server through the network;

When the server judges that the lights need to be turned on and off, it sends work instructions through the network and wirelessly to the coordinator through E800-DTU (Z2530-ETH-27). , realize the remote intelligent control of street lamps.

Features show:

Network self-healing: the intermediate node of the network is lost, and other nodes automatically join or maintain the original network;

Zigbee3.0: safe and reliable, high stability,Industrial Router/Gateway universal, ultra-low power consumption;

Over-the-air configuration: Other devices in the network can be configured remotely using the over-the-air configuration commands.

Case advantage:

Low cost: Free frequency band, no follow-up expenses, only the equipment itself can be realized;

Convenient construction: sensors are placed where needed, and communication is realized by wireless;

Data security: using zigbee3.0 secure communication standard, including multi-level security keys;

Wide range of applications: point-to-point, star, MESH multiple networking methods;

Intelligent: GPIO control, PWM control, ADC control, etc. to achieve intelligent control, providing hardware support for accessing intelligent platforms

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ruebyteiotОпираясь на преимущества технологии беспроводной связи, решаются многие промышленные болевые точки, и создается схема промышленного Интернета вещей, основанная на беспроводной технологии.
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