Application of E32 module in smart agriculture

Application of E32 module in smart agriculture

Application of E32 module in smart agriculture (irrigation valve control)Smart agriculture is the smart economy in agriculture, or the specific manifestation of smart economic forms in agriculture. Smart agriculture is an important part of smart economy; smart agriculture is an advanced stage of agricultural production, which integrates emerging Internet, mobile Internet, cloud computing and Internet of Things technologies, relying on various sensor nodes ( Environmental temperature and humidity, soil moisture, carbon dioxide, images, etc.) and wireless communication networks to achieve intelligent perception, intelligent early warning, CAN2.0 Communication Module

Antenna&Power intelligent decision-making, intelligent analysis, and expert online Remote IO module guidance for agricultural production environments, providing precise planting, visual management, and intelligentization for agricultural production. decision making.With the continuous development and maturity of sensors, wireless data transmission equipment, and application solutions, new demands are emerging in the field of smart agriculture. For this reason, Ebyte has launched a series of smart agricultural data transmission and remote control E32 series is one of the representatives of wireless data transmission products. E32 series adopts lora spread spectrum technology, which has the characteristics of long-distance anti-interference and low power consumption, and is very suitable for agricultural applications; then let's take an application of irrigation valve control.Required equipment 2 E32 series (select specific models according to requirements such as distance); Intelligent valve control switch; a notebook; One USB-RS485 converter;concrete applicationSpecific network communication connectionI believe everyone knows that radio frequency signals are particularly suitable for long-distance and empty scenes, so our application in agriculture is particularly suitable, and when it is applied to irrigation valve control, only the 485 signal controlled by the smart valve needs to be connected to the E32 module plus an mcu , and then connect the interface with the computer in the control center to realize data communication; as shown in the figure:Application of E32 module in smart agriculture (irrigation valve control)Add humidity sensorThe irrigation valve is a relatively simple application, but if a temperature and humidity sensor is added, then when the temperature is too high and the humidity is reduced, the temperature and humidity sensor will transmit the signal to the E32, and the E32 will send the data through the radio frequency. E32 receives the data and uploads it to the computer;When the computer receives the data and judges that the irrigation equipment should be turned on, it sends an instruction to transmit the data to the irrigation equipment through the E32. The irrigation equipment is turned on. When the temperature and humidity reach a certain limit, the sensor uploads the data to the E32, and the E32 uploads it to the computer. ; The computer issues an instruction to close the valve by judging, and then transmits the instruction to the intelligent valve through E32. In this way, the specific application of intelligent irrigation is realized;Application of E32 module in smart agriculture (irrigation valve control)Add level sensorIn addition to temperature and humidity, the irrigation valve can also be connected to the liquid level sensor;modbus over rs485

serial rs232 to wifi converter

convert ethernet to wifi when the liquid level of the reservoir reaches the specified liquid level, the liquid level sensor transmits the signal to the E32, the E32 sends the data through the radio frequency, and the other end of the E32 receives the data and uploads it to the computer;When the computer receives the data and judges that the irrigation equipment should be turned on, it sends an instruction to transmit the data to the irrigation equipment through the E32, and the irrigation equipment is turned on. When the liquid level drops to a certain limit, the sensor uploads the data to the E32, and the E32 uploads it to the computer. ; The computer issues an instruction to close the valve by judging, and then transmits the instruction to the intelligent valve through E32. In this way, the specific application of smart irrigation is realized.

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ruebyteiotОпираясь на преимущества технологии беспроводной связи, решаются многие промышленные болевые точки, и создается схема промышленного Интернета вещей, основанная на беспроводной технологии.
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