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3-2-1: Simple mindset shifts, aligning thoughts and actions, and being contrarian


3 Ideas From Me
"Simple mindset shifts:
- I'm not hurt, I'm healing.
- I'm not losing, I'm learning.
- I was not rejected, I was redirected.
Negative things happen. Negative mindsets make them harder."




"Over long time frames, simply staying in the game is impressive.
- Health and fitness: Can you stay injury free and not miss workouts?
- Wealth and finance: Can you avoid debt and continue to save?
- Business: Can you maintain cash flow and stay in business?
Longevity is its own form of greatness."

長期來說,光是能持續待在場上,就已經是令人敬佩的! 運動、財富累積、生意,都是一樣,當然學生時代的學習,也是一樣。

有些人或許起步早,初起跑得快,但人事是個漫長的跑道,最終還在場上持續跑的人才是活著的! 很多人,跑到一半就累了,離開人生的長跑道,卡在某個地方持續打轉。那種人,其實已經死了,只是還沒埋葬而已!


"Balancing success and failure is a tricky thing.
I'd say 8 or 9 times out of 10, you should be succeeding. Build momentum. Accumulate advantages. Feast on the feeling of success and let it feed your desire to do more.

But 1 or 2 times out of 10, you should be failing. Push yourself and reach beyond your current grasp. Force yourself to try uncomfortable things. Occasionally you will surprise yourself and the rest of the time you will learn.

Win enough to keep progressing. Lose enough to keep learning."

Win enough to keep progressing. Loss enough to keep learning. 這句我覺得寫得很棒! 人生在世,不可能每場戰役或挑戰都是贏家,如何保持學習心態,持續累積勝場,讓勝利激勵自己,但失敗時,仍能從中學習,才是重點!


🧿以後的每筆投資,都必須從中獲得勝利,就算沒賺到錢,也得賺到經驗與對應的改善方式! 持續累積勝場比例!!

2 Quotes From Others

Explorer and travel writer Freya Stark on aligning your thoughts and actions:
"There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do."

Source: The Journey's Echo


​不過,人在江湖,有時是身不由己! 明知道有些事情不需要做或者是沒意義作,但為了生活,仍然得為五斗米折腰

往好的方面想,還摺得下腰,代表身體(或精神)還夠軟嫩,哈哈 😁


Entrepreneur and venture capitalist Paul Graham on the importance of being at least a little bit contrarian:

"Let's start with a test: Do you have any opinions that you would be reluctant to express in front of a group of your peers?

If the answer is no, you might want to stop and think about that. If everything you believe is something you're supposed to believe, could that possibly be a coincidence?

Odds are it isn't. Odds are you just think whatever you're told."

Source: Hackers & Painters




🧿有想法要表達時,想想看,已經有多少人有同樣的看法? 我是真的歸納出同樣的結果還是從眾罷了?!

1 Question For You

A simple question to recalibrate the current situation:
"Aside from my thoughts, am I okay?"


而思考與敘事,有時候是很難分辨的! 這個問題就是要讓自己停下來,真的問問自己,是否還OK?!



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