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嚐牛肉麵,清燉才是純粹對決 I came for one thing only:Stewed Beef in clear soup served with noodles


嚐清燉牛肉麵,清燉才是純粹對決 I came for one thing only:Stewed Beef in clear soup served with noodles

台灣餐廳賣牛肉麵,分紅燒與清燉。Taiwanese restaurants which served beef noodles soup often offered stewed soy sauce soup & clear soup for choices.

上了色的紅燒湯能掩護撈不乾淨的渣,或遮住粗心刀工切口,清燉湯裡,無所遁形。Stewed beef soup with soy sauce could cover the bad cut & unfiltered meat residue. But if you chose to cook clear beef soup without soy sauce, any flaws of your soup could be exposed.

清燉,是純粹對決。連一點點味精都逃不出舌頭感觸,沉迷於清燉牛肉麵,理所當然。Clear beef soup is a simple duel with your tongue. That’s why I’m so addicted to stewed beef in clear soup served with noodles.

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