

琥珀风筝 陌上美国








1. How the Democrats Lost Their Way on Immigration 

In the past decade, liberals have avoided inconvenient truths about the issue.



2. If Liberals Won’t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will 

We need to make hard decisions now about what will truly benefit current and future Americans.



3. I’m a Liberal Who Thinks Immigration Must Be Restricted

Immigration can invigorate the country. But when it is poorly managed, it can cause social division — just as it’s doing right now.




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Dear Congressman/Congresswoman/Senator xxxx,

As one of your constituents, as a citizen of this great country of my CHOICE, and as an immigrant, I write to you to share my thoughts about the immigration policies in the US.

A country is merely a collection of its land and people. Thus, immigranion policy is fundamental to who we are as a nation. I immigrated from an ancient country, and I understand that a country will not last long without a strong culture and shared values. The country I am from is also rapidly modernizing and competing with the rest of the world for talents and resources. With vivid personal experience, I see the urgency for the US to attract talents and to stay ahead of the fierce competition.

Therefore, I strongly believe in an immigration policy which will make the US more united and stronger. Such a policy is not only needed, but also imperative and urgent. There is no time to wait.

But I am very concerned about the proposals on immigration by the Biden Administration. I am concerned that the proposals aim to hasten the legalization of the more than ten million undocumented aliens without thoughtful protection to low-wage workers that those new citizens will compete with. I support a practical and humane solution to the agonizing status of undocumented aliens. But such a solution can not be at the expense of the interest of the most vulnerable group of the citizens.

I am concerned that the proposals don’t address porous borders. We need real solutions to secure the border, not those based on unproven or even imaginary technologies.

I am concerned that the proposals lack policies addressing legal immigration. Even among legal immigration, less than 20% is based on talent, i.e. our country’s need. Having lived and worked in other countries which are sparing no effort to get ahead of the US in science, technology and economy, I think attracting and naturalizing global talents is one of the most urgent tasks facing our great nation.

I am concerned that the Biden Administration seems to care more about pleasing the more progressive wing of the Democratic party than about the long term unity and prosperity of this country.

Concerned citizens are the source of vigilance and strength of this country. I hope you can read and appreciate my thoughts. And I am ready to contribute in any form should you call on me to act in return.




Dear Congressman/Congresswoman/Senator xxxx,

I am a resident in the state of XXX. I am writing this letter to express my concern over the current and proposed immigration policies of the Biden Administration.

As a first-generation immigrant, I understand with personal experiences that immigration is an intensely painful topic because it places basic principles in conflict. 

The Biden administration’s immigration reform plan comes from a noble reason - to protect about 11 million undocumented immigrants in the USA, many of whom having stayed in this country for more than one quarter of a century.

I, like many Americans sympathize with their pain and agony, and hope the Congress and the administration can tackle this issue in a practical and humane way. However, I do not  agree with the Biden administration’s proposal.

First, we need to take lessons from our country’s history. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) gave amnesty to about 3 millions undocumented farm immigrants. It generated the largest document frauds in American history, which eventually brought in more than 5 million more undocumented immigrants to the USA in the following decade. IRCA did not address border control or employment verification due to legislative and administrative failures. 

The results were disastrous to American farmers and workers. The influx of undocumented labor caused a 8.7% drop in salary in farming industry, while salary of all other industries increased 11% in the 90's [1].

Biden’s plan will repeat the same mistake in an even worse way. Nowadays, progerssive immigration scholars and think tanks avoid talking about the cost of immigration. However, in 2006, the Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman wrote that “the fiscal burden of low-wage immigrants is very clear.” and that “We’ll need to reduce the inflow of low-skill immigrants.” [2] 

Low-skilled immigrants depressed the wages of low-skilled American workers and strained America’s welfare state. Legalizing 11 million illegal immigrants in a short period of time will badly hit the most vulnerable group, the working poor, including blacks and latinos. They have been suffering the most in the Covid-19 pandemic. 

I still support a path to citizenship for the undocumented. But I think we need to accomplish it in a more timed manner and set basic financial requirements instead of immediately stretching our already overburdened social safety nets. Legalizing smaller sub groups such as Dreamers and TPS holders first is more practical. 

Second, Biden completely avoided offering a strong border security plan in his immigration reform proposal. Political considerations to please the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party have stood in the way of sound policies.  Yes we can debate whether “building the wall” is the most efficient way to reduce illegal immigration. However, we should at least put more money on new border patrol, security technologies and enforce employer E-verify. People stop coming when they can not find jobs. It is just that simple.

Open border policy only pits two of the groups liberals care about most—the native-born poor and the immigrant poor—against each other. It is impossible to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour and add millions of workers into the labor market at the same time. 

Third, it is frustrating that the US disproportionately focuses on undcumented immigrants while neglecting legal immigrants. It takes legal immigrants from certain countries many years to get permanent residency. It would be unfair for a undocumented alien to get permanent residency sooner than an legal alien.

Many developed nations such as Canada, Australia, UK, etc. have been using a merit-based immigration system. In the 21st century, all nations need talents to compete in the arena of science and technology. However our immigration system is still based on the laws passed in the 60's. The employee-based immigration only accounts for 16% of all immigration in the US. This indicates that the US is losing well-educated foreign students while absorbing a lot of unskilled workers.

The US needs to keep these high skilled immigrants who will benefit America's economy and enhance her culture. Therefore, I support the policy to provide a direct pathway for American graduates obtaining permanent residency and increase the ratio of employee based immigration.



  1. https://www.amazon.com/Losing-Control-Left-Right-Coalition-Immigration-ebook/dp/B08B2ZMW4Z
  2. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/07/the-democrats-immigration-mistake/528678/





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