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The internal struggle intensified in USA


Most of the students in these elite schools are the children of the American elite and rich families, and those who participate in sports are destined to be mainly the children of the non-Jewish elite. This means that the non-Jewish elites in the United States, especially the "successors" of the Onza elites, began to stand on the official Jewish "anti-Semitic" position and break with them.

The Jewish authorities responded very quickly, and immediately passed the Anti-Semitic Awareness Act introduced by the Republican House of Representatives on October 26, 2023, directing the police to immediately arrest the children of non-Jewish magnates. But the strategy has put itself in the spotlight. Because the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Bill" is a trap set by the Onza magnate to the Jewish official, from the House of Representatives, the Republican vote 187, against 21 votes, the Democratic vote 133, against 70 votes, you can find that the Onza magnate promoted the passage of the "anti-Semitism awareness Bill."

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