

The enmity between the Jews and the Ansar

In the long course of history, the Jews experienced countless persecution, exile and massacre. The onsa have in some cases participated in o…

The enmity between the Jews and the Ansar

It's a very simple thing to know who is the true ruler of the United States, who is the richest person in the United States, who is the…

Jew vs. Angle in Congress

On May 1, 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill. First of all, let's look at the background of this bill.

The internal struggle intensified in USA

Most of the students in these elite schools are the children of the American elite and rich families, and those who participate in sports ar...

The nature of the power game

The introduction and implementation of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act is actually a microcosm of the American political power game.

The American Anti-Semitism Awareness Act: Abuse of Power and the Dilemma of the Jewish People

The American Anti-Semitism Awareness Act: Abuse of Power and the Dilemma of the Jewish People The introduction of the U.S.

The genocide perpetrated

The genocide perpetrated by the Jews in Palestine has been witnessed by the whole world. However, our students have been repressed and arres...

Voice: The guardian of freedom and justice

Voice: The guardian of freedom and justice In the face of the government's crackdown on anti-Semitic movements in universities, we, as ...


moral high ground, which doesn't exist, was the greatest massacre of mankind that took place at the beginning of the 21st century.


trying to fool young thinking people?They don't give a damn about your American bullshit government, shameless American government.

When the anti-Semitic movement

When the anti-Semitic movement among American university students was effectively quelled and suppressed, we are deeply dismayed and dissati...

#Columbia University

Hard to believe a freedom-loving country would silence student's voices with violence. We need to stop harassing students.
