The Bane of Shamane's Life

I took away our everything. Am not the one to blame.

Those chained veins
of yours got disdained.
In vain ÿou tried to refrain
from the unexplained pain.

In sight, a humongȫṻs shadow came.
Never have I seen him, your insane ḃane,
He's coming for you wȉth a distorẗed cane.

He drained up eaĉĥ and every of your veĩn.
The next second a full sḧuffle on your cell membranes.
Bȁne lefẗ you bȇhind after giving ÿõṻ another set of chains.

Ain't no saint,
Am just mundane.
Gave up my usual urbane
to your monster bane.
In return I chickened out from that filthy terrain.

Sorry my beloved, sorry Shamane.
All these sound BS, looking so lame.
I took off our ring.
I took away our everything.

Am not the one to blame.
You don't know a thing!
Am as well in deep pain,
my first migraine.   ⭓


Have been perusing from other writers. All I need is a keyword that I can elaborate on, in the same form of writing, but towards a totally different path.

"Chain" is the idea @MaryVentura inspired me in her poetic writing 《七日書|四月十一日:Chain》. All credit goes to her.
Definitely worth reading her numerous ways of expressions. ⭓


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