不負責任翻譯 |3月11日烏克蘭總統澤連斯基演講全文

他們又再指責我們!指責我們正在發展生物武器。指責我們正在準備一次化學襲擊。這讓我真的很擔心,因為我們已經知道:如果你想知道俄羅斯的計劃,看看俄羅斯指責別人什麼。|抱歉,今次的翻譯真的有點難...... 請多多見諒及指點



One of the main tasks for us today was the organization of humanitarian corridors. Sumy, Trostyanets, Krasnopillya, Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, Izyum. Almost 40,000 people have already been evacuated this day. They were given safety at last. In Poltava, Kyiv, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipro, Lviv. Humanitarian cargoes were also delivered. Hundreds of tons of food, medicine. We are doing everything to save our people in the cities that the enemy just wants to destroy. Taking into account the work of humanitarian corridors in the previous two days, we have already evacuated about one hundred thousand people. But…

我們今天的主要任務之一是組織人道走廊。 在蘇梅、托斯提也納、克拉斯諾皮利亞、伊爾平、布恰、戈斯托梅利及伊久姆。這一天已經疏散了近4萬人,他們終於得到了安全。在波爾塔瓦,基輔,切爾卡瑟,扎波羅熱,第聶伯羅,利沃夫。數百噸食品、藥品的人道物資也已交付。我們正在盡一切努力拯救敵人想要摧毀的城市中的人民。加上前兩天人道走廊的工作,我們已經疏散了大約十萬人。但......

Mariupol and Volnovakha remain completely blocked. Although we did everything necessary to make the humanitarian corridor work, Russian troops did not cease fire. Despite this, I decided to send a convoy of trucks to Mariupol anyway. With food, water, medicine. I am grateful to the drivers - brave people who were ready to fulfill this mission. An extremely important mission.


But the invaders started a tank attack exactly in the area where this corridor was supposed to be. Corridor of life. For the people of Mariupol. They did it consciously. They knew what they were disrupting. They have a clear order to hold Mariupol hostage, to torture it, to carry out constant bombardment.


Today they destroyed the building of the main department of the State Emergency Service in the Donetsk region. Right next to this building was the place where Mariupol residents were to gather for evacuation. This is outright terror. Blatant terror. From experienced terrorists. The world needs to know that. It has to admit it. We are all dealing with a terrorist state. But no matter what, we will try! Constantly! We will continue to try to bring to Mariupol the aid that people so desperately need. Ukrainians need.


The invaders are doing everything to deceive our people in the besieged cities. They block communication. Prevent the provision of Information. The state is doing everything to help our city. Everything to tell the people of Mariupol: we are fighting. And we will not give up this fight. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to talk to the people of Mariupol, to write to the people of Mariupol, spread the truth. Remind them that Ukraine is with them wholeheartedly and is doing everything to stop the torture of the city.


Russian propagandists have substantially intensified their activity today. And they tried very hard. Probably in order to cover up the crimes of their army in Ukraine. Crimes against Mariupol. Against Donbas. Against Kharkiv. Against dozens of other cities. Cover them up with new accusations. New-old fakes.


They accuse us... Again us! That we are allegedly developing biological weapons. Allegedly, we are preparing a chemical attack. This makes me really worried, because we’ve been repeatedly convinced: if you want to know Russia's plans, look at what Russia accuses others of.


Look, spreading such accusations in the Russian media shows that it is THEY who are capable of this. The Russian military, the Russian special services. It shows that they want it. They have already done such things in other countries. Similar! They themselves announced, they themselves organized, they themselves complained. And they will do so again. Again and again. If they are not stopped.


They tore apart Moldova with Transnistria. They tore apart Georgia with Abkhazia. They tore apart Ukraine with Donbas and Crimea. But they blame us! Those who have become victims. Those who are forced to defend themselves. Fight for the right to live. They themselves come to us in tanks and with missiles. They take something that doesn’t belong to them. Capture. They are even ashamed to show their officers! They hide their generals. They conceal from their own people that they are sending conscripts to this war only to make the invasion forces larger.


But we are to blame! We are accused of attacks on allegedly peaceful Russia.


And now what? What are these allegations of preparing chemical attacks? Have you decided to carry out "de-chemicalization" of Ukraine? Using ammonia? Using phosphorus? What else have you prepared for us? Where will you strike with chemical weapons? At the maternity hospital in Mariupol? At the church in Kharkiv? At the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital? Or at laboratories, most of which have remained since Soviet times and are engaged in ordinary science. Ordinary! NOT military technology.


We are rational people. I am the President of a rational country, a rational nation. And the father of two children. And no chemical or any other weapons of mass destruction were developed on my land. The whole world knows that. YOU know that. And if Russia do something like that against us, you will get the most severe sanctions response.

我們是合格的人(對不起,我如何翻譯 adequate people)。我是一個適當的國家總統,還有兩個孩子的父親。在我的土地上沒有開發任何化學武器或任何其他大規模殺傷性武器。全世界都知道這一點。你知道的。如果你對我們做這樣的事情,你會得到最嚴厲的制裁。

Ukrainians! Our defenders! I have signed several important decrees. About awarding the title of Hero of Ukraine to thirteen of our defenders:


I also signed a decree awarding orders for personal courage to 39 national guardsmen, 31 policemen (9 posthumously), 14 border guards (4 posthumously) and 23 employees of the State Emergency Service.

Today the rank of Brigadier General is awarded to:


And finally. Discussions on Ukraine's future in the EU continue today and tomorrow in Europe. I believe that our people, our state, our army did everything for us to be welcome there. As equals. For us to be invited there. This is the final exam for Europe. Among the leaders of the states there are those who support us. And there are also those who support only themselves. But we see how the nations of all European countries treat us. And this is the main thing. Because I know for sure - if people decided on our membership in the EU, they would definitely choose the people of Ukraine.

烏克蘭人!我們的守護者!我簽署了幾項重要的法令。關於將烏克蘭英雄的稱號授予我們的 13 名捍衛者:


我還簽署了一項法令,因為他們的個人勇氣,同樣授予 39 名國民警衛隊、31 名警察(9 名追授)、14 名邊防警衛(4 名追授)和 23 名國家緊急服務部門的僱員。



最後,關於烏克蘭在歐盟的未來的討論會在今天和明天於歐洲繼續進行。我相信,我們的人民,我們的國家,我們的軍隊已經盡一切努力讓我們在歐洲受到歡迎和平等對待。讓我們被邀請到歐盟。這是歐洲的最終考試。在各國的領導人中,有一些人支持我們,還有一些人只是為了自己。但我們看到所有歐洲國家的國家如何對待我們。這是最主要的。因為我肯定知道 - 如果人們決定我們加入歐盟,他們肯定會選擇烏克蘭人民。

Today, when I see the support of the people of each country in the squares of European capitals, I know that the Ukrainian people are already in the European Union. And politicians... I'm sure they will adjust to that. Preferably faster.

今天,當我在歐洲各國首都的廣場上看到每個國家人民的支援時,我知道烏克蘭人民已經在歐盟之中了。 而政客們...我相信他們會了解這一點,但最好更快。

Glory to the nations of Europe!

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to our military!

Thank you!





About awarding the title of Hero of Ukraine to thirteen of our defenders:

Lieutenant Colonel Litun Andriy Mykolayovych. Posthumously. He died covering our troops and heroically restraining the enemy's offensive.

Captain Korpan Oleksandr Bohdanovych. Posthumously. He saved our soldiers and civilian houses when he took the falling aircraft away from them.

Junior Lieutenant Blokha Yuriy Ihorovych. Posthumously. In the battles in the Mykolaiv region he heroically protected brothers-in-arms, saving their lives.

Senior Sergeant Ivashko Andriy Oleksandrovych. Posthumously. During the rocket fire, he personally provided information about the enemy's actions at the cost of his own life.

Junior Sergeant Volkov Yevhen Volodymyrovych. Posthumously. For courage and heroism during the evacuation of the wounded in the Donetsk region, for saving our military.

Major General Nikoliuk Viktor Dmytrovych. He skillfully led the defense in the north-eastern direction and managed to prevent the capture of Chernihiv.

Colonel Khoda Leonid Oleksiyovych. During the war, under his command, more than 50 enemy vehicles were destroyed.

Lieutenant Colonel Ponomarenko Vyacheslav Anatoliyovych. Thanks to his actions, a significant number of enemy’s equipment and soldiers in the city of Hostomel were destroyed.

Lieutenant Colonel Yakovenko Oleksandr Oleksiyovych. He withdrew his units from the enemy artillery fire, thanks to which he saved personnel and continued to successfully defend the Donetsk region.

Major Bova Yevhen Petrovych. For the heroic defense of Mariupol and holding positions under constant enemy attacks.

Captain Boyechko Vasyl Vasyliovych. For the extremely successful destruction of enemy equipment and manpower.

Sergeant Moroz Oleh Romanovych. Thanks to his heroic deeds, the enemy's offensive in the Luhansk region was stopped.

Sailor Samofalov Valeriy Mykhailovych. In one battle, for the first time in the history of this war, he shot down three enemy helicopters.

The rank of Brigadier General is awarded to:

Nechayev Oleh Oleksandrovych. For the successful defense of the Kyiv region.

Lishchynsky Vladyslav Vatslavovych. For extremely successful actions against the enemy in the Kherson region.

Hutsol Volodymyr Volodymyrych. For the successful destruction of enemy airborne troops in Vasylkiv.

Demyanchyk Hryhoriy Petrovych. For the successful organization of personnel training for our military units.

演講片段 :https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ca8S3GhIRXw/

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