Fire & Motion 10

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeting quotes

no where & now here
Many people procrastinate because they care too much.






🤯mind-blowing. 我從道德浪女中讀到超多框架外的思維,無比驚訝。驚訝之處是我從來沒有這樣想過 (苦笑)。 拿掉文化、社會規範上的預設,兩件風馬牛不相干的事原來能兜在一起。


道德浪女的終極關懷回到人生的可塑性,並以情感、性愛做為媒介來重寫腳本與論述:每一個體的關係 (relationship) 腳本都是獨一無二的,當我們開始質疑那些別人告訴我們的「應該」(should and must),便得以有意識地改寫老劇本,並藉由打破規則、解放自己來重拾人生的主控權。




讀書的樂趣之一,是能讀到 new perspective,是能讀到被 mind twisted。在到道德浪女的書末有份詞彙表,詳載了書中提過的專有名詞,我特喜歡這個 (笑)

關係電扶梯 (Relationship Escalator) 一種建立關係的方法,每一步都無可避免地連到下一步:從約會連到性愛的專屬性,連到訂婚,連到結婚,再連到生小孩等等。絕大多數的浪女都願意爬很多樓梯,以避免踏上這樣的「電扶梯」。

📕The Book of Joy

As my verbal assault became more pointed and challenging, I saw his head draw back in reaction and perhaps some defensiveness. Most of us might have argued more adamantly or attacked back in such a disagreement, but it was as if I could see the Archbishop, in a split-second pause, collect his consciousness, reflect on the options, and choose his response, one that was thoughtful and engaged rather than reactive and rejective. ...... that pause, the freedom to respond instead of react.
When we treat ourselves with compassion, we accept that there are parts of our personality that we may not satisfied with, but we do not berate ourselves as we try to address them. When we go through a difficult time, we are caring and kind to ourselves, as we would be to a friend or a relative. When we feel inadequate in some way, we remind ourselves that all people have these feelings or limitations. When things are hard, we recognize that all people go through similar challenges. And finally, when we are feeling down, we try to understand this feeling with curiosity and acceptance rather than rejection or self-judgement.

At the end of the book, I'm so touched by the farewell scene. For the Dalai Lama and the Archbishop at their eighties and nineties, and the difficulties for them to travel, it may be the very last time they meet. It does make me wonder what I will say if I truly know that it's my last time to be with someone. Remembering oneself in the face of death might be the gentlest way to emphasize the relationships.

Then the Dalai Lama's playful tone changed as he pointed at the Archbishop's face warmly. "This picture, special picture." Then he paused for a long moment. "I think, at time of my death..." The word death hung in the air like a prophecy. "... I will remember you."

📕The Fran Lebowitz Reader

It feels like reading the vintage version of Seriously...I'm Kidding. The piece still deliveries sharp laughs after twenty years. Hilarious, and full of opinionsssss!

The most important factor here is that you understand that a room is a matter of opinion.
A salad is not a meal. It is a style. 
Food gives real meaning to dining room furniture.
Feet are like snow. Your feet, more than anything else, are what make you you, and nobody else’s are quite like them.
Great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and small people talk about wine.



張潔平於我而言是典範 (model),她說話的方式與深度是我努力成為的樣子。我認同她的說法,因此記了下來:

你有問題,而你最好的方式不是站在岸上看,而是你可以跳進去,然後做一些 practice,然後總結經驗
我可能把自己的生命狀態放在 in-between 這樣的位置,我好像不甘願徹底地進入一個 local community,有可能是過動 (笑) ...... 所以我有時候會說「飛地」做為一種方法去理解這個世界,或是一個位置。


🎙️走過眾生的恆河,神聖其實誕生在汙穢裡 ft.作家謝旺霖




🎥Dario Cecchini on Chef's Table

最近吃完飯後都會看上一集主廚的餐桌,從第六季開始往回看。Dario Cecchini 是肉販出身,發覺顧客只想買菲力等高級的部位,因此決心開一家「烹飪完整牛隻」的餐廳,同時藉以教育顧客。看到 Dario Cecchini 對牛隻的熱情與珍惜,使我聯想到莊子筆下的庖丁。

Outside Interest!

🎶Mr.A-Z album by Jason Mraz

🎥Why you procrastinate even when it feels bad

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Justin SungSkeptical optimist. Like to laugh.
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