


3 Ideas From Me

"It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert as long as you’re on the path.
If a beginner is on the path, all they need is time.
If an expert is off the path, they won’t be an expert for long."


剛開始,所有人都是菜雞,誰能找到正確的路徑持續在那條路上走,才是重點! 若能一開始就鑑別出那個正確路徑,只能說成功50%,剩下的50%還是需要持續耕耘。 問題在於,怎麼辨識那條路徑是正確的?套句Steve Jobs的話

"Follow your hear" ❤❤❤❤❤


"Trust your gut feeling!!"

"Good advice at the wrong time is bad advice.
Life is full of seasons and each season has different requirements.
Know what season you are in, and you can better identify which ideas to utilize."

好的建議在錯誤的時間提出,也會變成壞建議! 這個我相當有體會,有時候聽到別人抱怨的時候,如果你有好的建議,在當下提出來,可能就會被認為是"你不懂我!"而把你的"好建議"甩一邊。


"The longer you're a teacher, the less you remember what it is like to be a student.
The longer you're a doctor, the less you remember what it is like to be a patient.
The longer you're a coach, the less you remember what it is like to be a player.
Change positions. A new perspective can improve your old methods."

當處於一個角色中太久時,就會忘記另外一個角色的心境,要隨時轉換角色 cosplay一下,用不同角色的扮演來看同樣的事物,或許就能得到新的啟發。

當父親太久,就忘了自己曾是小孩的時候也做過蠢事、問過蠢問題、花很多時間玩遊戲。的確,任何人都曾經年輕過,人的一生也有多重角色,但往往演久了就入戲了! 警惕!!💥

2 Quotes From Others

Prolific writer Joyce Carol Oates on motivation following action:

"One must be pitiless about this matter of "mood." In a sense, the writing will create the mood. ... I have forced myself to begin writing when I've been utterly exhausted, when I've felt my soul as thin as a playing card, when nothing has seemed worth enduring for another five minutes ... and somehow the activity of writing changes everything."

Source: The Paris Review

不是很懂這個quote,寫作的時候應該​忽視心情?! 這個意思是挖空+放空,透過寫作,來改變這一切?!

Writer David Chapman on how to improve your thinking:

"Learn from fields very different from your own. They each have ways of thinking that can be useful at surprising times. Just learning to think like an anthropologist, a psychologist, and a philosopher will beneficially stretch your mind."

Source: How to Think Real Good


1 Question For You

Habits need to be revised from time to time.

Which habits do you need to double down on this year? Which habits are no longer serving you and need to be replaced this year?



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貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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