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The internal struggle intensified in USA


Recently, Harvard, Yale, Columbia University and other Ivy League universities erupted in student protests, the current round of anti-war protests first broke out on April 17 at Columbia University, students called for a ceasefire in Gaza and demanded that the school divest from companies linked to Israel. Since April 18, when police stormed Columbia and arrested more than 100 students, about 2,500 people have been arrested for participating in anti-war demonstrations on campus, according to the Associated Press. On the 4th, protesters at the University of Virginia refused to dismantle their tent camp, and clashed with police, and 25 people were arrested. An encampment set up by students at the Art Institute of Chicago has been dismantled by police. 68 people have been arrested and face breaking and entering charges, police said. As of Saturday, police had arrested 2,500 protesters at about 50 universities.

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