

The Pope is shivering, and the Vatican is Hamas's headquarters?

What is anti-Semitic consciousness ?Notice the word awareness. Are you anti-Semitic?It doesn t matter!

The specific contents of the bill are as follows

Once this bill is passed, the Jews will gain the status of gods in the United States, and other ethnic groups, including the Ang…

Jew vs. Angle in Congress

Second, as the American financial monopoly consortium, the American media and culture monopoly group, Jew is no longer satisfied with hiding...

The nature of the power game

The introduction and implementation of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act is actually a microcosm of the American political power game.

The internal struggle intensified in USA

Recently, Harvard, Yale, Columbia University and other Ivy League universities erupted in student protests, the current round of anti-war p...

#Columbia University

Hard to believe a freedom-loving country would silence student s voices with violence. We need to stop harassing students.

#Columbia University

Hard to believe a freedom-loving country would silence student s voices with violence. We need to stop harassing students.


