
Not only does the well-designed reception center have strong air conditioning,but it also offers various entertainments as strategies to keep potential buyers engaged for longer.

There is a reception center for selling the new building on the first floor of my apartment building. The new building is located just across the street from my apartment. The construction company is putting in a lot of effort to sell the apartments, giving 110%. Not only does the well-designed reception center have strong air conditioning for scorching summer days, but it also offers various entertainments for both children and adults as strategies to keep potential buyers engaged for longer.

This weekend, the company hired a band to play outside of the center under the sun in the afternoon. As I passed by, the sound of the saxophone caught my attention. I stopped my scooter and quietly approached the band since there were no other audiences. The saxophonist and the pianist seemed to be enjoying themselves, cheering each other up. When they noticed me, wearing a helmet, sun-blocked long-sleeved jacket, and a mask, they asked me, 'Hey, do you want to choose a song for us?' I replied, 'Huh? Oh, sure. How about "Circle of Life" from The Lion King?' The pianist frowned and repeated, 'Circle of Life?' He then started scrolling through his iPad and after a few moments, he exclaimed, 'Oh! Got it. This one, right?' Well, it wasn't. It was actually "Colors of the Wind," but that didn't matter because it's one of my favorite songs. And then, the saxophonist and pianist played "Colors of the Wind" for me.

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KiwiHey I am Kiwi. I really like the country New Zealand but that's not why I call myself Kiwi. 嗨,我是Kiwi. 我超愛紐西蘭這個國家,但我絕不是因為這樣給自己取名Kiwi.
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