Fire & Motion 13

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeting quotes

What looks like discipline is often a carefully created environment to encourage certain behaviors. What looks like poor choices is often someone trying their best to use willpower to go against their environment.




when it comes to 有效的止損。

你應該每天計算資金總額,這些資金包含帳戶中的現金、現金等價物以及全部敞口當前市值。只要你的資金相比上個月最後一天資金餘額下跌 6%,你應該暫停所有交易。

作者提到了 2% & 6% 原則。2% 原則意指每次投資的風險不超過帳戶總額的 2%,實踐上須搭配止損的設置;而 6% 原則則是當月的總虧損與上個月相比不超過 6%,實踐上並不是到了月底才進行結算,而是每天計算,一超過 6% 後那當月的交易行為就該暫停,回家讀書 (笑)


慎選對一項抉擇的切入方式 (when it comes to approaching a choice) 。比起用「我想從這項抉擇掙得多少好處」,用「我能承擔多少這項選擇所帶來的損失、風險」來面對不失為更穩健的心態。後者肯認並考量了機會成本。


作者提到的3M: mind, method, management. 方法講的是技術分析,而心智與資金管理著重於紀律與自我覺察。






撰文此刻正值 Bob Iger 回任 Disney CEO,又出現了一群立即買入迪士尼股票的跟風 (笑) 大幅變化後經常跟著死寂,而相對死寂是大幅成長的前提。


keep working.

📄Narratives (Stratechery Article 11-14-2022)

What I regret more, though, was keeping quiet about my uncertainty about what exactly all of these folks were creating these complex financial products out of: here I suffered from my own diversionary narrative, paying too much heed to the reputation and viewpoint of people certain that there was a there there, instead of being honest that while I could see the utility of a blockchain as a distributed-but-very-slow database, all of these financial instruments seemed to be based on, well, nothing.

I think it truly shows the reason why I love reading Ben's articles. He doesn't hide his analytical mistake and is willing to share what he has been wrong for with genuineness. What he has neglected, in my interpretation, is the basic fact of what blockchain is, and put too much weight on reputation.

In the end, the best way of knowing is starting by consciously not-knowing. Narratives are tempting but too often they are wrong, a diversion, or based on theory without any tether to reality. Narratives that are right, on the other hand, follow from products, which means that if you want to control the narrative in the long run, you have to build the product first, whether that be a software product, a publication, or a company.

Authentic narrative comes from solidity.

📄87 Self-Reflection Questions for Introspection

Just write down some questions that worth revisiting during the strolling time.

What worries me most about the future? (futher step: what will the future be like if that worry has been overcame?)
If this were the last day of my life, would I have the same plans for today? (note: hell yes or not)
What am I really scared of? (of not realizing the potential of myself. Is it nesscessary to be scare? Am I letting matters that out of my control scare me off?)
Who has had the greatest impact on my life? (none at this point, in my opinion.)

and some questions as a prompt for journaling.

Write about a moment experienced through your body. Making love, making breakfast, going to a party, having a fight, an experience you’ve had or you imagine for your character. Leave out thought and emotion, and let all information be conveyed through the body and senses.
What’s one topic you need to learn more about to help you live a more fulfilling life? (then of course, follow through and learn more about that topic.)
Write the words you need to hear. (get a job now)



The cause and effect are not constrained by time and happen sequentially. Instead, they are complementary and mutually reinforcing. To me, the most essential part is accepting the fact of happening.

Outside Interest!

🎶【有緣人電台】: 開會完~騎騎車

我發現湯馬放的歌,超級合我的胃口 (笑

🎥How do oysters make pearls?

📹But what is a convolution?

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Justin SungSkeptical optimist. Like to laugh.
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