不負責任翻譯 |3月12日烏克蘭總統澤連斯基演講全文


Strong people of the steel country!


This is how the militaries answer the Kremlin command's question about what prevented them from capturing Ukraine in four days. Strong people of the steel country. This information is unverified, but this fact is indisputable. And if the lost invaders justify their failures with something else, it means that during the 16 days of the war they did not understand anything. Well, we don’t take it so hard. We are ready to explain. Enlighten the invaders until they fully understand who they are and where exactly they should go. Go out of Ukraine.

這就是回答克里姆林宮司令部是什麼阻止他們在四天內佔領烏克蘭的答案。是鋼鐵之國的強者。雖然該信息未經證實,但是無可爭辯的。如果失敗的侵略者用別的東西來為他們的失敗辯護,那就意味著在這戰爭的 16 天裡,他們什麼都不學不到。好吧,我們不要為難他們。我們準備解釋,教導入侵者,直到他們完全了解他們是誰以及他們應該去哪裡:滾出烏克蘭。

Today in Melitopol the invaders captured mayor of the city Ivan Fedorov. A mayor who courageously defends Ukraine and the people of his community. Obviously, this is a sign of the weakness of the invaders. They did not find any support on our land. Although they counted on it. Because for years they have been lying to themselves that people in Ukraine were supposedly waiting for Russia to come. They did not find collaborators who would hand over the city and the power to the invaders. Therefore, they have switched to a new stage of terror, when they are trying to physically eliminate representatives of the legitimate local Ukrainian authorities.


It is clear to any democratic state in the world that a legitimately elected mayor is a true representative of the people. Usually it's not about ideology, it's not about politics, it's about the lives of people in a particular community. Probably Russia has become accustomed to this during the years of autocratic rule. Perhaps they believe that the mayor is just a boss which is easy to remove, and it means nothing. But it is Ukraine here. It is Europe here. It is a democratic world here.


Therefore, the capture of the mayor of Melitopol is a crime not only against a particular person. Not only against a particular community. And not only against Ukraine. This is a crime against democracy as such. I assure you that one hundred percent of people in all democracies will know this. The actions of the Russian invaders will be equated with the actions of ISIS terrorists. The whole country saw that Melitopol did not surrender to the invaders. Just as Kherson, Berdyansk and other cities where Russian troops managed to enter didn’t. Temporarily managed to enter. And this will NOT be changed by putting pressure on mayors or kidnapping mayors. This can only get worse. For the invaders.


Ukraine demands the immediate release of the mayor of Melitopol and guarantees of full security to all heads of communities across the country. If you are becoming an analogue of ISIS terrorists, then what is the point of talking to you about something at all? We will raise this issue, including in talks with international mediators who communicate with Moscow. Today, Russian troops also disrupted the work of most humanitarian corridors. But, despite everything, 7,144 people were saved. From Enerhodar, Bucha, Hostomel and Kozarovychi. And these are 7,144 reasons to try to organize evacuation for Ukrainians from the besieged cities tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

烏克蘭政府要求立刻釋放梅利托波爾市市長,並保證全國所有社區負責人的充分安全。如果你正在成為類似ISIS恐怖分子的人,那麼與你談論又有什麼意義呢? 我們將提出這個問題,包括與莫斯科溝通的國際調解人進行會談。今天,俄羅斯軍隊還擾亂了大多數人道主義走廊的工作。 但儘管如此,還是有 7,144 人獲救。他們來自安赫德、布恰、戈斯托梅利和科札羅維奇。這7,144 人就是明天和後天組織撤離被圍困的烏克蘭人的原因。

We will do that. We will do everything to bring humanitarian aid to Ukrainian cities. I have to say this with pain - Mariupol remains blocked by the enemy. Russian troops did not let our aid into the city and continue to torture our people, our Mariupol residents. Tomorrow we'll try again. Once again send food, water and medicine for our city. I am confident that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will respond to every minute of our people's suffering. And it's not pathos. Not a threat. This is a statement of reality.


The number of killed Russian servicemen on the territory of Ukraine already exceeds 12 thousand people. 12 thousand! The number of wounded invaders is many times bigger. We did not invite any of them here. And we repeat to each of the invaders: you can still save yourself. At any moment. Just lay down your weapons and go home, leave our land.


The number of captured invaders has already reached such a level that this issue cannot be left to the structures that we had before the war. Therefore, today the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine established the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Thousands of enemy soldiers who have been captured or surrendered receive from our state the treatment required by international conventions. But there are so many of them that a special structure is needed to deal with all related issues.


I want to say it again for Russian mothers. Especially for mothers of conscripts. Do not send your children to war in a foreign land. Do not believe the promises that they will be sent just somewhere for exercises or just somewhere in non-combat conditions. Check where your son is. And if you have even the slightest suspicion that your son may be sent to the war against Ukraine, act immediately. Do not give your son to death or captivity. Ukraine never wanted this dreadful war. And Ukraine doesn’t want it. But it will defend as much as necessary.


Fortunately, we are not alone in this battle. Ukrainians have sincere friends. Good partners. Speaking in the Polish Parliament today, I paid a lot of attention to the importance of not being alone in today's world. How important it is to protect common values. And as a result - to feel that the borders between nations are blurred. To make people closer. Just like our relationship with Polish brothers and sisters. Just like our relationship with all our sincere partners. Because the one who has friends can do anything.

幸好在這場戰鬥中,我們並不孤單。烏克蘭人有真誠的朋友及好夥伴。今天在波蘭議會發表講話時,我留意到在當今世界不被孤立的重要性,保護共同價值觀是多麼重要。我感覺國家之間的邊界變得模糊,讓人與人更親近。就像我們與波蘭兄弟姐妹的關係一樣。就像我們與所有真誠合作夥伴的關係一樣。 因為有朋友的人可以做任何事。

I held talks with US President Biden. We discussed how else we can put pressure on Russia to end this war and establish peace. Russia will be deprived of the opportunity to trade normally with the G7 countries. The less dollars Russian business earns and the less taxes the Russian state receives, the less opportunity the Russian military will have to kill our people. Leading international companies are already leaving the Russian market. The Russian government has put its country outside the global world by starting a war against us. By starting this invasion. This is self-closure. Self-humiliation. Self-destruction. In Moscow currency exchange offices, the dollar has already reached 200 rubles. And this is just the beginning. The beginning of international sanctions. The next step is the United States’ ban on bringing dollars into Russia. Consequently, there will be a shortage of currency. So, the cost will raise even more. Consequently, prices will rise. Consequently, every citizen of Russia will feel that the absence of peace is a threat to him personally.

我與美國總統拜登舉行了會談。我們討論如何向俄羅斯施壓以結束這場戰爭並建立和平。俄羅斯將被剝奪與G7國家進行正常貿易的機會。俄羅斯企業賺取的美元及俄羅斯國家獲得的稅收越少,俄羅斯軍隊殺死我們人民的機會就越少。國際公司已經離開俄羅斯市場。俄羅斯政府通過對我們發動戰爭及入侵,將其國家剔除於全球世界之外。這無疑是自我封閉、自取其辱及自我毀滅。在莫斯科,兌換一美元已經達到 200 盧布。這只是國際制裁的開始。下一步是美國禁止將美元帶入俄羅斯。外匯將會短缺,成本將提高更多。因此,價格會上漲。因此,每個俄羅斯公民都會感到缺乏和平是對自己的威脅。

Not a single country in the world wished harm to ordinary citizens of Russia. Nobody tried to cause any damage until your government started a war with neighbors, peaceful people. A war of annihilation. No one wanted to return ordinary Russian life back to the "wicked 1990s". Is that what you call that era? A time of upheaval and poverty. A time of very limited opportunities for ordinary people and very large inequalities.

世界上沒有一個國家希望傷害俄羅斯的普通公民,直到你的政府開始與鄰國、和平的人民開始一場殲滅戰之前,沒有人試圖傷害你們。沒有人想讓普通的俄羅斯人的生活回到“邪惡的 1990 年代”。這是一個動盪和貧窮的時代,是普通人機會非常有限,不平等現象非常嚴重的時代。

Perhaps now, due to the efforts of propagandists, most Russians do not yet understand what awaits them. But the Russian authorities ALREADY understand this very well. Very clear. And they are very afraid. That is why they are trying to close all free sources of information. Actually all sources of information. Even Instagram and Facebook. But the modern world has learned to deal with such censorship.

也許由於宣傳人員的努力,現在大多數俄羅斯人還不明白等待他們的是什麼。但俄羅斯當局非常清楚了解這一點。所以他們非常害怕。這就是他們試圖關閉所有免費信息來源的原因,實際上是所有的信息來源,例如Instagram和 Facebook。 但是現代世界已經學會應對這種審查。

My advice to thinking Russians is to look for ways to get truthful information. And try to hide your smartphones and computers from the security forces on the streets. They're getting ready to check what's in people's phones. What do people have in laptops. I specifically warn you: learn to resist the repression that your government plans to increase. Because thinking people should be in every country. And in Russia, too. And they are in Russia.


And one more thing. Now the good news and the victories of Ukraine for all of us are worth their weight in gold. Or silver and bronze. And all this - for Ukraine - is successfully won by our Paralympians in Beijing.

還有一件事。現在,烏克蘭的好消息和勝利對我們所有人來說都是金子般的重量。 可能是銀或銅的重量。對於烏克蘭來說,這是由我們在北京的殘奧會成功贏得的。

Today, everyone is gaining glory for Ukraine. In his or her place. Shows the world who Ukrainians are and what strength we have. With a weapon in hands on the battlefield or with a sporting rifle on a biathlon track. Our boys and girls have already won 25 medals at the Winter Paralympics! And take second place in the overall standings, second only to the hosts of the competition - China. The Paralympics will end in two days.

今天,在他或她的地方,每個人都在為烏克蘭爭光。向世界展示烏克蘭人是誰以及我們有什麼力量:在戰場上手持武器或在冬季兩項賽道上手持運動步槍。我們的運動員已經在冬季殘奧會上贏得了 25 枚獎牌! 並且在總積分榜上排名第二,僅次於比賽的東道主——中國。 殘奧會將在兩天后結束。

I would very much like to say the same about the war. That it will end in two days. Unfortunately, this is still unrealistic. But it will definitely happen. Both victory for Ukraine and peace for Ukraine are achievable. And they will be more valuable for us than gold, silver and bronze of the whole world.


Well, for now ...

Hold our ground! Hold on! We will win!

Glory to Ukraine!




演講片段 :https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca-3O6AohcN/

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