Be easy on the self




他极冷淡。我不想像他一样,但事实是,我长成了和他一样冷。Being indifferent, irresponsive, numb, and dead. 咨询师说, It makes sense. Children learn to adapt and do what the parents want to keep the relation. 可以理解,但并不接受。

The way I am is there for a reason. Inertia is there for a reason. The self does not want to be forced to do things. Feeling drained after getting close to someone temporarily is reasonable, because it is something I am not used to. The tiredness does not disqualify the experience, and does not make it wrong. It is not natural, so it takes efforts. The critical voice also exists for a reason. Thinking and feeling something does not mean it is real or true. Mistakes are normal and humane. Stepping back is normal, and that is just another step in one's progress. The brain, the auto-pilot, the automatic self, is just being overactive, overly helpful, or overly protective. Just be easy on the self. Unhhok the self from that "natural" part. Trust and empower the conscious self. Allow the conscious self to make decisions.


mental health

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


kiaFeed yourself. Do something. Love me more. Love me better.
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