Permacast integrates Meson to Load Assets at 2x Speed

Meson Network

Web3 Podcast hosting platform Permacast’s latest deployment replaced references to with a custom Meson Network endpoint URL which provides decentralized caching across over 30,000 nodes. Assets such as the Podcast cover art and audio files themselves are accelerated, decreasing the load time from 249ms with to just 113ms using Meson Network.

Founded in 2021 by developers from the organization, Permacast leverages Arweave’s permanent storage as the backend for hosting Podcasts, and SmartWeave smart contracts to track ownership and mint episodes as NFTs. Soon after the alpha launch, Permacast deployed support for show RSS feeds, enabling creators to use Arweave for storage but iTunes and Spotify for distribution. The ‘pay once, store forever’ nature of Arweave bypasses the need for the typical subscription services offered by Web2 Podcast hosts.

“Permacast’s performance and decentralization have been significantly improved thanks to Meson. By reducing reliance on and offloading the caching workload to Meson’s nodes, episodes load twice as fast
— xylophone, Co-Founder of Permacast.
“People have always worried that various text and audio materials will be lost. So every time Meson finishes recording an event, we try our best to upload it to different Podcast platforms — but large platforms are prone to the risk of content review and deletion. We were pleasantly surprised when we saw Permacast. Meson Network used Permablog for AMAs and started a channel on Permacast, too. We would love to contribute our power to help Permacast grow”
— Sherlock, Co-Founder & CEO of Meson Network.

Meson Network is committed to creating an efficient bandwidth marketplace on Web3, using a blockchain protocol model to replace the traditional labor-based sales models, consolidating and monetizing idle bandwidth from long-tail users at a low cost. Meson Network is the foundation of data transmission for decentralized storage, computation, and the emerging Web3 Dapp ecosystem.


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