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學習筆記|The Cruel Prince



On a drowsy Sunday afternoon, a man in a long dark coat hesitated in front of a house on a tree-lined street.

drowsy (adj.) 睡意矇矓、昏昏欲睡

hesitate (v.) 猶豫

stroll (v.) 散步

lift (v.) 舉起、抬起

fist (n.) 拳頭

tree-lined street 滿滿行道樹的街道

Jude sat on the living room rug and ate fish sticks, soggy from the microwave and dragged through a sludge of ketchup.

rug (n.) 地毯、墊子

stick (n.) 條狀物

soggy (n.) 濕濕軟軟的

microwave (n.) 微波爐

drag (v.) 拉扯

sludge (n.) 糊、泥

curl (v.) 蜷曲

thumb (n.) 拇指

punch (n.) 潘趣酒,軟性或微酒精飲料,主要為果汁

her eerie, split-pupiled gaze fixed on the cartoon mouse

eerie (adj.) 怪異而令人恐懼的

split (v.) 分開

pupil (n.) 瞳孔

fix (v.) 凝視、盯著

Jude and Taryn were identical, with the same shaggy brown hair and heart-shaped faces

identical (adj.) 一模一樣的

shaggy (adj.) 毛髮粗長蓬亂

furred (adj.) 有毛的

point (n.) 尖端

Taryn yawned and stretched, pressing her cheek against Vivi’s knee.

yawn (v.) 打哈欠

press (v.) 按壓、推擠

cheek (n.) 臉頰

the sun was shining, scorching the asphalt of driveways. Lawn mower engines whirred,

scorch (v.) 烤、燒焦

asphalt (n.) 瀝青

lawn mower (n.) 除草機

whir (v.) 機器運作的嗡嗡聲

splash (v.) 濺起水花

forge (n.) 鐵工廠

His shoes were shod with silver, and they rang hollowly as he stepped over the threshold.

hop (v.) 跳

glare (v.) 瞪視

leather (n.) 皮革

duster (n.) 防塵風衣

shod (v.) shoe的過去式,⋯的鞋

silver (n.) 銀

hollowly (adv.) 聲音空洞、低沉地

threshold (n.) 門檻

His voice was oddly accented.

pale (adj.) 蒼白的

oddly (adv.) 奇怪地

accent (v.) 強調、著重

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