Fire & Motion #1

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

📄Fire and Motion

that the principle of Fire and Motion is how you get things done in life. You have to move forward a little bit, every day. It doesn’t matter if your code is lame and buggy and nobody wants it. If you are moving forward, writing code and fixing bugs constantly, time is on your side.

It's so important for me to return to this article, for recalling the principle of getting things done and letting time do the compounding. But it's also crucial to check whether the target we're firing at, or the direction we're aiming to is correct, which reminds me of the difference of "in motion" and "in progress". Just because we're feeling busy and productive doesn't mean we're really making some significant progress.

🎙️電扶梯走左邊 - #51 Yvon Huang - 離職/時間的價值,Joy of missing out!

很多人會一直上網滑手機 update 最近別人的狀況,但 JOMO - Joy of missing out,我自己還蠻 enjoy 自己現在的狀態的,就是不 update,基本上只過自己的生活。我在 create,但我也不會去 broadcast 自己在做什麼。

我很喜歡這個概念,也認為這是在資訊超載中更好的生存方法。同時想到 The knowledge Project 的 Luke Burgis: The Power of Mimetic Desire 中提到的 "mimetic desire",慾望通常不是內在發生的,而是我們模仿身旁的人而得。FOMO 時所得到的 update 多數是無義且經過 cherry-picked 的,錯誤的模仿將使自己偏離對自己真正重要的事情。





心誠則靈。不過心誠要能預知禍福,應該就不是一般人的境界了 (笑) 與其說至誠如神,我的解讀是當心理達到至誠,而不被心念迷惑時,應能洞悉世間萬物的根本規律,其與《大學》裡的「物格而後知至;知至而後意誠」有異曲同工之妙。順帶一提,人們總忘了「國家將亡,必有妖孽」前面還有句話。


除了自身德行要夠,上位者親身實踐,最好的辦法就是由老百姓來驗證。市長當得好不好,除了修養足夠之外,政績當然是最好的判斷方法 (?


🎙️The Knowledge Project - Mike Maples: Living in the Future

Lots of people tend to go through life taking one problem at a time, deciding one problem at a time. I think it’s helpful in living a better life to acknowledge that there are better ways to decide things. Sometimes you know there’s a better way through experience or reading books or whatnot and sometimes you don’t know what the better way is. I look at mental models as frameworks for making decisions that maximize the probability of the best outcome.

A set of principles and priorities are what mindset means to me. That's what makes it (a little bit) easy for me to navigate all the crossroads throughout my life. The podcast also reminds of this article, which provides plenty of insightful "razors" to help making decisions. Having a great set of mindsets also turns the outcomes of one's decision into a consistent, coherent picture.

Well, it turns out that most of the great startups come from a great insight and a great insight usually occurs when someone is living in the future and they notice something that’s missing.

The key insight of this podcast can be sum up here. It makes no sense to try finding insight after the company is founded, instead, people should find great insight and then try their best to work that out. Putting the cart before the horse may be one of the most significant fallacies. Managing our lives is kind of similar to coming up with a great insight. Instead of looking backward to fill in the gap, we imagine forward, retrieve our future selves, and work toward the missing part.

📄Industry Structure: Fabs are in Favor - LTAs are the Tell

So what has happened historically is that the foundries built a leading edge fab, depreciated it fully over 4 years, providing leading edge chips to the likes of Qualcomm and AMD and others. And when the leading edge guys moved to the next node, then they took that capacity, a depreciated fab and repurposed it for microcontroller, mixed-signal, connectivity and those kind of products. And that's how over many, many years, trailing edge capacity became available.
Now what has happened now is that link is broken. The leading edge lithography has gone to 14-nanometer, 10-nanometer, even 7, 5 and 3-nanometer, while the microcontrollers and analog, because of functionality needed, are still in the range of 65-nanometer to 180-nanometer. And so therefore, the trailing edge capacity no longer easily becomes available, because somebody moved to the next node.

I'm fascinated by how the dynamic between leading edge and lagging edge works out. Since the direct link from leading edge to lagging edge has been cut, the supply of the lagging edge is more fixed and cause under-supply when the automotive industry has a rising-demand. So in order to have fabs add capacity for uneconomic lagging edge production, long-term agreements (LTAs) and non-cancelable and non-returnable orders (NCNRs) has been used to justify that the customers commit to stay longer.

🎙️Build for Tomorrow - Why “Nobody Wants to Work Anymore” is BS

It's like you're seeing a new thing through an old lens, in which the only way that you understand hard work is if it looks like what you learned hard work looks like. And if it doesn't look like that now, then you have to assume it simply isn't hard work.

Working technology, environment changes, and people accustom to an older method of how to do their job have a hard time interpreting that. To be more precise, not everyone buy into the narrative of your work or whatever you're doing. It's not that people are lazy, but people do work really hard through out the time! We the people just find the virtue of work and fulfillment elsewhere!



讀莊子內篇前三章,搭配蔡璧名老師在 Coursera 上的課程,並佐以蔣勳老師的演講。莊子的文字對我而言,不求即刻能懂,而是得在未來的日常裡反覆琢磨。篇名叫逍遙遊,而全篇唯一有逍遙是在末段的「逍遙乎寢臥其下」,也許我們緊張的一整天、對於是非的一切紛擾,只有在睡覺時心才得以逍遙吧 (笑)



我非常喜歡這句話,短短數字,便講完了人心的煩惱與思緒的複雜。該如何面段混亂無序的心呢? 金剛經裡提到的「善護念」或許是個方法:隨時護念好自己的心,使其不生貪欲、不生嗔恨。


我也很喜歡這句話。心中有了是非,因此事體無法全面觀照,心中有了執念,因此「夫隨其成心而師之,誰獨且無師乎?」。《一一》裡的洋洋拍照時只拍後腦勺,因為他想讓其他人看到自己看不到的一面,我們始終無法了解他人的全貌,「道隱於小成,言隱於榮華。故有儒墨之是非」,我們不夠了解人,也不夠了解自己。這也讓我聯想到 "If you cannot explain something in simple terms, you don't understand it.",用過多繁複、打高空的詞藻來理解事情,亦有不見也。






📄吳晟×吳音寧:「家」是溪州的土地,也是文學 on Verse

🎥Bo Burnham: Inside on Netflix

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Justin SungSkeptical optimist. Like to laugh.
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