

My parents divorced when I was eight. I lived with my father. He was a man with masculine look, and even more masculine his words were. He trained me like a soldier. Talking to him was akin to reporting to a superior in the army. This awe of him forced me into silence and fostered my habit of reading. Library became my refuge, where I could both escape from him and his reproaches about me hanging out aimlessly.


However, living with my father was not all bad. During my elementary school years, when he was still single, my father often went on dates with different women. He liked to take me along, and his dates were often single mothers with children. Being an only child, I enjoyed making friends with those peers. It was a mutually beneficial business; he used me to garner compassion, and I used him to garner affection. We both escaped the awkwardness of living with each other.


But it could not last. Unluckily, my father was lucky enough to meet his lifelong partner in my middle school years, ending his playboy lifestyle. If you have met my stepmother, you would know how much my father profited from this marriage. On the contrary, his profit became my debt probably for life. I didn't like my stepmother's son, nor did I like her other relatives; our values clashed. We were much like Marxist anarchists and conservative libertarians.


Since then, I have pretended to live a sane family life. I pretended to go home sanely every day, get along sanely with my stepbrother, grow up sanely under my stepmother's care. Only when I was alone did I feel insanely relieved.


Now, I haven't been in contact with my father for three years. While partly due to his tyrannical rule over the territory of the family, I also recognize he is not always tough. I once heard him lamenting to his mother about his absence in the only family photo they had, taken before his birth, and it still weighs heavily on him to this day. It suddenly occurs to me that maybe every domineering dictator is inwardly a cheerless child deprived of love. So how can I blame my pitiful father for just trying to counteract his feelings of abandonment?


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