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吃完飯,我突然想起了愛麗絲·米勒,想起了最近讀過的她的一本書。其實,自己讀過愛麗絲·米勒一系列的作品後每每深受啟迪。這本書題目叫做《The Drama of Being a Child: The Search for the True Self》。米勒在書的開篇提到,為了獲得個人的完整性,我們都需要走過一個漫長的過程,才能發現我們的「personal truth」。這個過程中,感受比「wisdom」更重要。


今天想說的是,在這本書的開頭,米勒給出了幾個預設(general assumption),用來解釋她書中所探討的父母和子女、個體及該個體童年經歷的關係。我想把它們寫出來,因為覺得這幾個bullet point實際上是很好的一個walk through,清晰地展示了代際創傷的可能性和脈絡(中文不是英文的直接翻譯)。

  1. The child has a primary need from the very beginning of her life to be regarded and respected as the person she really is at any given time. 【米勒提到了父母應該在任何時刻都能夠尊重孩子當時當刻的自我

  2. When we speak here of 'the person she really is at any given time,' we mean emotions, sensations, and their expression from the first day onward.【米勒繼續解釋,尊重孩子當時當刻的自我是從孩子出生開始的,並不是說孩子在剛出生的一兩年內需求不被給予重視(很多人會覺得忽略小嬰兒的哭鬧小嬰兒也不會記得,殊不知出生後的兩年內才是非常重要的時期)。】

  1. In an atmosphere of respect and tolerance for her feelings, the child, in the phase of separation, will be able to give up symbiosis with the mother and accomplish the steps toward individuation and autonomy.【如果小孩生長的環境中,孩子的感受被尊重,那麼在跟父母分離的時候,孩子能夠更好地處理與母親共生的狀態,並朝著自我個體性形成大踏步前進。反之則不然。】

  2. If they are to furnish these prerequisites for the healthy development of their child, the parents themselves ought to have grown up in such an atmosphere. If they did, they will be able to assure the child the protection and well-being she needs to develop trust. 【如果孩子是在以上前提條件成立的情況下成長起來的,那麼孩子的父母大概率也是在這樣一種健康的環境下成長起來的。在這樣健康的環境下成長起來的人能夠確保孩子獲得保護和孩子成長中需要的信任感。】

  3. Parents who did not experience this climate as children are themselves deprived; throughout their lives they will continue to look for what their own parents could not give them at the appropriate time - the presence of a person who is completely aware of them and takes them seriously.【可是,沒有在這種健康的環境下成長起來的孩子,即便為人父母也會非常匱乏;因為在他們的生命中,他們會一直追尋所匱乏的東西、他們父母沒有能夠在所需要的時間內給予他們的東西。這種東西就是來自父母的、完全、排他的關注和重視。】

  4. This search, of course, can never fully succeed, since it relates to a situation that belongs irrevocably to the past, namely to the time right after birth and during early childhood. 【對於匱乏的追尋當然不可能完全成功,因為與這種可怕的匱乏相關聯的情境在過去(更準確地說是在剛出生後及童年早期),已經無法更改。】

  5. A person with this unsatisfied and unconscious (because repressed) need will nevertheless be compelled to attempt its gratification through substitute means, as long as she ignores her repressed life history. 【一個被這種潛意識層面未滿足的需求所控制的人是會一直通過尋找替代品來滿足這種匱乏感的。只要他不去正視自己這段被壓抑的停留在潛意識中的匱乏感,他就無法明白自己追尋的那麼多替代品究竟是什麼。】

  6. The most efficacious objects for substitute gratification are a parent's own children. The newborn baby or small child is completely dependent on his parents, and since their caring is essential for his existence, he does all he can to avoid losing them. From the very first day onward, he will muster all his resources to this end, like a small plant that turns towards the sun in order to survive. 【所有替代品中,最有效的就是他們自己的孩子。他們自己的新生兒或者小小的幼兒是完完全全依賴父母的,因為父母的照料對於小嬰兒或者幼兒而言是生存不可缺少的,小嬰兒或者幼兒都會不惜一切代價來避免失去自己的照護者。從出生的第一天開始,小嬰兒能用到的所有手邊的資源都將會用在這個目的上。這就好像是小植物為了生存要轉向陽光的一面一樣。】

(-- The Drama of Being a Child by Alice Miller)


愛麗絲·米勒是一位有經驗的心理學家,她曾經屬於弗洛伊德心理分析學派,在經過長年的臨床諮詢和思索後,愛麗絲·米勒發覺一個人在心理疾病中最掙扎的關鍵點是每個人獨特的童年經歷。為了深入研究病人的童年經歷,她退出了心理分析學派,因為弗洛伊德在發現自己的病人有童年創傷的時候選擇了創建一套偏victim blaming的理論體系,而這是愛麗絲·米勒不能同意的。她所做的研究和所著的書籍都選擇了相信受害者,並與受害者攜手並肩,釐清童年創傷,走出陰霾,重新找到真實的自己。



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