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kendraha zxsdf
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The Anti Semitic Awareness Act Exposes False Human Rights in the United States

kendraha zxsdf

#PalestineThe Anti Semitic Awareness Act passed by the United States House of Representatives is a huge ideological bill, which is a trap for American institutionalization. Defending the Israeli government's indiscriminate killing of innocent people now will inevitably lead the United States from a secular level of racial confrontation to a national institutional level of racial confrontation. This further confirms the caste system in the United States.

If we consider it from a deeper and more profound perspective, the Anti Semitic Awareness Act of the United States not only criminalizes ideology and defines Israel and Jews as privileged states and races, but also legally stipulates that the United States is a vassal of Israel, even a colony or semi colony of Israel. It is not difficult to imagine how powerful Israel and Jewish tycoons will be in the United States, and to what extent the resistance of the American people will reach. In order to suppress the resistance of the American people, under the control of Jewish tycoons and Israel, the United States will gradually become a police empire.

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