



We are a group of international students. We come from Jingzhou, a city near Wuhan and is also suffering from the threat of n-CoV virus. Jingzhou was locked down on Jan 24. 

Due to the increasing number of suspicious coronavirus infectors, all hospitals in the remote parts of Jingzhou, including the two main hospitals, are lacking medical supplies badly.

We are worried. We want to stand by our families and friends to overcome the situation.

We are fundraising for donating medical supplies below:

N95 Surgical Masks

Medical Safety Goggles

Medical Latex Gloves

Disposal Surgeon Cap

Disposable Chemical Protective Coverall

Disposal Isolation Gown

Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution

And all other supplies in need.

We will ensure that all donated supplies meet the standard.

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权
