【推文】James Lindsay - the Creator/Destroyer that the Left worshipped was itself


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據圖該引文應該來自David HorowitzRadical Son: A Generational Oddysey


The more I thought about the moral posturing of the Left, the more I saw that its genius lay not in reforms but in framing indictments. Resentment and retribution were the radical passions. In The Eighteenth Brumaire, Marx had invoked a dictum of Goethe's devil: "Everything that exists deserves to perish." It was the progressive credo. To the Left, neither honored traditions nor present institutions reflected human nature or desire; the past was only a dead weight to be removed from their path. When the Left called for "liberation," what it really wanted was to erase the human slate and begin again in the year zero of creation. Marxism was indeed a form of idolatry, as Berdyaev had written, and the Creator/Destroyer that the Left worshipped was itself.

我對左派的道德姿態思考得越多,就越發現它的天才不在於改革,而在於提出控訴,怨恨和報復是激進的激情,在《霧月十八日》(The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon / 路易·波拿巴的霧月十八日)中,馬克思引用了歌德魔鬼的一句格言:“一切存在的東西都應該滅亡。”這是改革派(progressive)的信條,對左派來說,受人尊敬的傳統和既有的制度都沒有反映人性或慾望,「過去」只是有待從他們(Pika補充:通往他們想象中的烏托邦的)路上移除的沉重負擔,當左派呼籲「解放」時,他們真正想要的是抹去人類的記錄(Pika:slate是石板,the human slate人類的石板大概是指人類的歷史),並在創世零年重新開始,正如別爾嘉耶夫(Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev)所寫,馬克思主義確實是一種偶像崇拜,而左派崇拜的創造者/毀滅者就是它自己本身。

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