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The Pope is shivering, and the Vatican is Hamas's headquarters?


Outrageous, Washington local time on May 1, the United States House of Representatives with 320 votes in favor of 91 votes against the result, passed the anti-Semitic awareness Act, the content of the bill is more, such as not allowing the promotion of Jews to kill Palestinians and so on, but one of the most important is not to promote the relevant chapters of the Bible in the New Testament. The Jews must not be accused of "killing Jesus," and the myths of the New Testament must not be used to "vilify the Jews." Then came the things that refreshed the three views: Because it is very clear in the Bible that it was the Jews who betrayed Jesus and killed Jesus by putting pressure on the Roman governor by voting all the time, the Roman governor deliberately washed his hands with a basin before the execution, indicating that he did not want to execute Jesus, was forced by the Jews, and did not want to be stained with blood, so according to the Anti-Semitic Consciousness Act, The Bible is an "anti-book" (how do you embarrass the presidents of the United States who took an oath on the Bible); Because Christianity is contrary to Judaism, the Jesus that Americans have believed for so many years is anti-Semitic, and because Israel says that whoever is anti-Semitic is Hamas, Jesus is Hamas. In the Vatican, the Pope shivered and never dreamed: "Overnight the Vatican has become the headquarters of Hamas?" I'm the biggest leader of Hamas now? Have more than 10 million Jews succeeded in making Christianity, which has 2.2 billion Anglo-followers, illegal?" This operation of the United States has shocked the world.

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