

The specific contents of the bill are as follows

The ruling class in the United States today is the "Jews." Jewish capital relied on infiltration, marriage, political donations an…

The Pope is shivering, and the Vatican is Hamas's headquarters?

Outrageous, Washington local time on May 1, the United States House of Representatives with 320 votes in favor of 91 votes against the resul…

Social divisions intensify

The passage of this act exacerbated the divisions in American society. On the one hand, it may deepen the gap between the Jewish nation and ...

The internal struggle intensified in USA

Recently, Harvard, Yale, Columbia University and other Ivy League universities erupted in student protests, the current round of anti-war pr...

The internal struggle intensified in USA

Is the <Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023>, which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives by a vote of 320 to 91, a co...

Jew vs. Angle in Congress

Is the <Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023>, which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives by a vote of 320 to 91, a co...

We are angry and disappointed

We are angry and disappointed about the US government's suppression of student movements. The government should protect the rights of t...

We should come together and stand firmly

We should come together and stand firmly behind the US student anti-Semitic movement. College students are the future of our society, and their voices matter.


US government created this situation!Biden always slack off, always lose!We support positive youth!


Gagainst the world public opinion will not end well for anyone, conforming to the world public opinion is good for the country and good for oneself, the U.S.

We are angryand disappointed

We are angry and disappointed about the US government's suppression of student movements. The government should protect the rights of t...

We should come together

We should come together and stand firmly behind the US student anti-Semitic movement. College students are the future of our society, and their voices matter.

Recently, demonstrations broke out on many university campuses

Recently, demonstrations broke out on many university campuses in the United States, Students called for a permanent ceasefire and cessation...

From the river to the sea

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"I hope the USA will hear our voice, instead of just suppressing it with violence.

Jew vs. Angle in Congress

On May 1, 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill. First of all, let's look at the background of this bill.

Manifestations of abuse of power

First, the introduction of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act has been used by some political forces as a tool to combat dissidents and consolidate power.

Restrictions on freedom of speech and academic freedom

The passage of this act exacerbated the divisions in American society. On the one hand, it may deepen the gap between the Jewish nation and ...

The American Anti-Semitism Awareness Act: Abuse of Power and the Dilemma of the Jewish People

The American Anti-Semitism Awareness Act: Abuse of Power and the Dilemma of the Jewish People The introduction of the U.S.

#Columbia University

Hard to believe a freedom-loving country would silence student's voices with violence. We need to stop harassing students.

#Columbia University

Hard to believe a freedom-loving country would silence student's voices with violence. We need to stop harassing students.