End of warning

I hope the warning has already been acknowledged by at least some people. I want to stop writing the daily.

I believe it is everyone's responsiblity to oppose authuritarians, no matter how far away they might be. We can see it already, if they are allowed to be successful, people around the world will admire them and want to be the same. I wanted to say especially the influentials, but actually it is no less horrible when it is a huge group of "common people".

I hope the warning has already been acknowledged by at least some people. I want to stop writing the daily. I don't like writing about myself to begin with. And feeling like a human subject, I don't want to actively provide feedbacks for refining ways of manipulation and subjugation. I will make an overly simplified conclusion of what has happened and is still continuing. ([Incomplete details are here](https://github.com/locharp/asylum_daily/tree/main/en))

From Hong Kong to Poland to Lithuania, the surveillance on me has never been stopped. Even in airports, hostels, supermarkets, on the street, when I went to the Ukraine Embassary in Warsaw, even in the Foreigners Registraion Centres in Lithuania.

Although I did share part of my story to the fellow refugees at the beginning, some of the information should be known only by (local or my homeland's) authorities. That and, my other privacy such as physical activities and what I typed on my devices in areas no one should be able to see (by normal means) are also shared to faciliate harassments. Some of the harassments suggest that people from my homeland (most likely the authority) must be involved.

Does it sound crazy? I think the next part is even crazier. Pretty much everyone of all kinds of role from all kinds of background I can interact with seems to be convinced to be part of it. Often before we interacted for the first time. Including Redcross and the UN. Everyone lies comfortably. Play drama on a daily basis. Happily exploit your friendliness and other good natures. And no, I not exggerating.

As my passport was taken by the Migration Department when applied for asylum, suggestions (direct from "fellow refugees" or indirect from anyone) of leaving the country illegally in the first 5 months were more than a hundred times, working illegally dozens times. Mockeries such as "every day he eats a lot of food, and he says he is not good" are also done dozens or more than a hundred times. (I stopped replying positively to greetings, especially after confirming the malevolence.)

I am nobody, if this can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. Digital surveillance being particularly nasty and hard to detect. I don't know how serious will you take this. I think that it might be beyond the point where we can stop our world from turning into a dystopia already. But you surely have to try while you still can, unless you don't care. As to how, I do not know.



There were something to record yesterday. (When wasn't there any?)

As I said I should stop writing these shits. Let me just mark 2 things.

1, As the one being harassed (and more), an officer said that I acted like a big boss, at the very moment I was staying away from my room to let my roommates enjoy having the window closed (I want the window open for fresh air) , after all the harassments from pretty much everyone no less. Funny, I am not surprised, but I am not sure if he was referring to anything. Because I ignore most of the harassments no matter from who they come? Or because I didn't ignore but questioned some people what they wanted when my door kept being opened and often banged close?

2, He also said something like I send (/sent) something to big boss (maybe the cheif of the centre). No idea what he meant, I didn't send anything. If there really is anything, it could be someone else. My devices and network are not safe.

The other details that could easily make several paragraphs will be skipped.


And the cat is trapped again.

As you can see in the photo, it is very unlikely that the cat got there itself and get itself trapped again and again. The other side is the same extruded structure and no way in or out. The cat was trapped there for about 20 hours today I believe. It is a locked floor, I told the officers once in the morning, but it was until evening I told them again, the cat was let out.

I have been in the current Foreigners Registristion Centre for 2 months. Until recently I showed more affection for the cats, and started to see one of them repeatedly trapped outside of the windows since about a week ago. I believe my affection caused its suffering. Will it die if I do not say anything next time? I don't know, but I believe it will suffer again and again if I don't keep my distant.

As I am typing this it appeared outside the window of my room again. (That narrow space is shared by more than one room.) It was more than happy to come in once I opened the window.



Another cat being trapped, but at least it was somewhere I could reach.

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


Lochard我希望我在寫的最終只與我自己有關,但在那之前我不會知道,只好當起關注表。 https://github.com/locharp/asylum_daily
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Asylum Diary #34

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