Asylum Diary #34

I forgot that the privacy violation actually started even earlier. It may go even further back, but I guess I am not adding it this time.


There are two cats here (that I am aware of). I used to care for the female cat more because she seemed to get less love and was more scared of people. But it seems that the male cats is doing worse now. He is compared scrawny, though it could be the girl being overweighted. I hope that's the case, since I got a warning for giving them food and cannot do it any more. There are scratches on him that are not exactly light. I hope they are nothing serious. He also often gets ticks on him which is the only thing I can help him with. Fortunately he is fine with the ticks being removed from him, which I guess is quite painful.

I might have mentioned that the privacy violation might have started since before I left HK, as I questioned why some information was required and refused to provide when the employers failed to provide a valid reason when I applied for jobs in HK. I forgot it actually goes further back. Before that there were instances where organizations, government or not, requested or demanded excessive irrelevant information and eventually I started to question and refused to provide irrelevant information even to government departments. And there were indications that my information was used without my consent since then. A less serious but very absurd example is that a social worker tried to convince me to opt in to let a company use my information for other purposes, I refused saying that I didn't want to receive strange calls. And then I received strange call moments after I parted with the social worker.


As I was informed that there are Lithuanian Language lessons regularly now, I am participating. It was an one hour lesson once a week, and recently it became two one hour lessons per week. Although something strange worries me, I join the lessons and try learn.

Yesterday, I couldn't help asked if the lesson was the teacher writes a few words on the board and then gives me a worksheet (or more) and that's it, because that was what that teacher did every time. She answered yes at first, lfsaewo. Later I asked why we were pretending having lessons. She said because someone wants to learn the language and comes everyday. I asked "everyday?" She said not everyday. She said she was trying, I said she was doing the opposite. She tried to teach as less as possible while pretending giving a lesson. I asked if they were directly or indirectly the lessons. She said probably not. I asked who she is actually. She said she is a social worker helper. I asked for her staff ID. She showed some kind of card but refused to let me take a photo or have the information on it. I asked for the staff number. She asked why I need it, and said that's her personal information. I said I need to identify her. I said I was not asking for her citizen ID and that's the purpose of the staff ID. She refused.





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