Follow傷心車站女孩 | 威尼斯@willisho91333 Followers133 Following// 寫字、看書、發白日夢、失眠。Works 3Sep 4對著別人的期許,不如這樣想,如果現在已經是我最好的模樣?“I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be.““What if this is the best version?“Lady Bird / Greta Gerwig / 2017Sep 4對著別人的期許,不如這樣想,如果現在已經是我最好的模樣?“I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be.““What if this is the best version?“Lady Bird / Greta Gerwig / 2017Sep 1Another Round / Thomas Vinterberg / 2020何謂青春?夢何謂愛?夢的內容 - 齊克果Sep 1Another Round / Thomas Vinterberg / 2020何謂青春?夢何謂愛?夢的內容 - 齊克果Aug 30一部我很喜歡的相機Contax T2 底片第一張試拍,是在陽光灑下來隧道的瞬間Aug 30一部我很喜歡的相機Contax T2 底片第一張試拍,是在陽光灑下來隧道的瞬間That's all