反对“Stand with HK”是港独的有关言论




原作者@kurutoga2k7在文章开头信誓旦旦说,“Stand with HK”用长文论证了“中英联合证明无效,香港不是中国领土”?!作者特意加粗了引号里的话,但他并未给出任何可供查证的原始资料。(原文把“声明”误写成“证明”)

好奇心驱使,我浏览了“Stand with HK”相关网页:

“Stand with HK”官方Twitter的简介:

A group of ordinary Hongkongers urging the free world to hold China to its promises & safeguard Hong Kong’s freedoms under the Joint Declaration.

“Stand with HK”官网对于该组织核心诉求的回答:

What are your core objectives?
Through advertisements in the UK media and other high-profile publicity efforts, we hope to draw the UK public’s attention to how China has breached the Sino-British Joint Declaration by aggressively eroding Hong Kong’s freedoms, human rights, and the rule of law. We are calling on Boris Johnson, his Cabinet and Parliament to take concrete actions by imposing sanctions on those persons complicit in or responsible for suppressing Hongkongers’ human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Joint Declaration. We are also calling upon Britain to include provisions on human rights, civil liberties and democratisation in any post-Brexit agreements with Hong Kong and China.


Uphold the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration

综上,“Stand with HK”恰恰不认为《中英联合声明》失效,而是希望大陆切实履行当年的承诺。

P.S.“Stand with HK”官网首页的长文中只出现过一次void(无效的),并且来自大陆官员的一面之词:

Chinese officials stated that the Declaration was "now void and only covered the period from the signing in 1984 until the handover in 1997."
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