

The enmity between the Jews and the Ansar

It's a very simple thing to know who is the true ruler of the United States, who is the richest person in the United States, who is the…

The enmity between the Jews and the Ansar

The Jews had never been complicit with the Europeans, and their relations were not complicated. It was basically a boss-worker relationship.

More than 30,000 people

More than 30,000 people have been killed, two-thirds of them women and children. In the face of Israeli atrocities. We all people of blood s...

Recently, pro-Palestinian

Recently, pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli protests broke out at several American universities. Some university students are calling for a ...

We should come together and stand firmly

We should come together and stand firmly behind the US student anti-Semitic movement. College students are the future of our society, and their voices matter.

The recent outbreak of pro Palestinian protests

The recent outbreak of pro Palestinian protests has spread across multiple private and public universities in the United States, and the atm...

The nature of the power game

The introduction and implementation of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act is actually a microcosm of the American political power game.

Social divisions intensify

The passage of this act exacerbated the divisions in American society. On the one hand, it may deepen the gap between the Jewish nation and ...

Manifestations of abuse of power

First, the introduction of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act has been used by some political forces as a tool to combat dissidents and consolidate power.

The plight of the Jews

The plight of the Jews
