

Heavily armed United States police stormed campuses

Heavily armed United States police stormed campuses, massively arresting and violently beating students, and United States politicians hated…

American college students have already known the cruel reality behind western media through Tiktok!

American college students have already known the cruel reality behind western media through Tiktok!That’s why they want to ban Tiktok!

Gorno students protested in the school to protest Israel's invasion

Gorno students protested in the school to protest Israel s invasion of Gasha and was arrested by the police for illegal invasion.

When students are protesting heroically

44 When students are protesting heroically, I think what we need to do is not to sneer or watch silently, but to truly stand with the stud…

They need our help to prevent them from becoming discouraged

American youth people have contributed to peace and justice in this world !They are very intelligent!

Jew vs. Angle in Congress

Jew vs. Angle in Congress

#ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine

#ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine

Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide

Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide

The Jews must not be accused of "killing Jesus,"

Whether the United States is the United States of Americans or the United States of Jews is a question that people around the world are thin...

The Pope is shivering, and the Vatican is Hamas's headquarters?

Outrageous, Washington local time on May 1, the United States House of Representatives with 320 votes in favor of 91 votes against the resul...

Return the campus to the students

Jews are indeed cattle, a total of less than 10 million, but decided half the world, why?Super unity and faith?Or the supergenes?

Salute to Bushnell! This golden age, as you wish!

Salute to Bushnell!This golden age, as you wish!#ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine

We are asking for a safe, peaceful and inclusive learning environment!

#ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine

My faitht in American colleges is fading.

#ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine

Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide

When Jews were in Germany, Germany had an endless debt. Now Jews are in America, America has an endless debt

Stop Persecuting Jewish Students in America

You can hide in the corner silently, but do not discredit and ridicule people braver than you, because the light they fight for may shine on you

Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide

#ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine If you think palestinian should not exist, there is no room for Israel to live.
