不負責任翻譯 |3月13日烏克蘭總統澤連斯基演講全文


Wise people of a strong country!


The 17th day of the war is over. War for the right to be free. For the right to live on our land the way we, Ukrainians, want it. Not the way someone came up with for us. And against us. Against our nature. Against our character.


The Russian invaders cannot conquer us. They do not have such strength. They do not have such spirit. They are holding only on violence. Only on terror. Only on weapons, which they have a lot. But the invaders have no natural basis for normal life. So that people can feel happy and dream. They are organically incapable of making life normal! Wherever Russia has come to a foreign land, dreams are impossible. Only a very hard struggle for survival. As a result of the attack on our land, on Ukraine, the Russian leadership is actually turning its state into an analogue of the so-called "DPR" and "LPR". Into a large area isolated from the rest of the world. Where poverty will reign. Where everything will be determined only by violence. And where people will flee. In any manner they can and whoever can.

俄國侵略者無法征服我們。他們沒有這樣的實力,也沒有這樣的精神。他們只能靠暴力、恐嚇及很多的武器。他們沒有正常生活的自然基礎,讓人們可以感到幸福和夢想。他們不知正常生活為何物!俄羅斯無論走到哪裡,夢想都是不可能的。 他們只有非常艱苦的生存鬥爭。由於對我們烏克蘭土地的襲擊,俄羅斯領導層實際上正在將他們的國家變成類似所謂的“頓內茨克人民共和國”(DPR)和“盧甘斯克人民共和國”(LPR),成為與世界其他地方隔絕的大片區域。這地方只會有貧窮,一切都將由暴力決定。人們將以任何可以的方式逃離的其他地方。

Look who is leaving Russia now. Who withdraws business. These are professionals who can be competitive at the global market. These are IT specialists who do not want to live in an area where there is no freedom. These are businessmen who feel that everything will be taken away from them at any moment. These are artists who know that creativity in a territory where human life is worthless is also worthless. Russia loses its brains. Loses talent. Loses money. But if this is happening to Russia, then what awaits the so-called "DPR" and "LPR"? Their analogues? Solely complete degradation.

看看現在誰正在離開俄羅斯,誰要退出在俄的業務。他們都是可以在全球市場上具有競爭力的專業人士;這些是不想生活在沒有自由的地區的 IT 專家;這些商人覺得自己的一切隨時都會被奪走;這些藝術家知道創造力在人類生命毫無價值的地方也只是毫無價值。俄羅斯失去了頭腦,失去了才能,失去了金錢。但如果這將會發生在俄羅斯,那等待DPR 和LPR又會是什麼呢?類似的東西?只會是更差的情況。

The invaders in the Kherson region are trying to repeat the notorious experience of the formation of pseudo-republics. Blackmail local leaders, put pressure on deputies. Look for someone to bribe. They’re trying to organize the so-called "KPR". Stillborn as "DPR" and "LPR". To organize some "committees" against the legitimate government on our land. And against the will of the people who go out to protest every day. And who want Ukraine. I am grateful to them.


I want to tell some figures who lacked the disgust to refuse to talk to the invaders... I want to say - if some of them were suddenly tempted by proposals from the invaders... You sign your sentence. The sentence is to follow more than 12,000 invaders who failed to understand in time why Ukraine should not be encroached upon.


An emergency meeting of the Kherson Regional Council took place. 44 deputies decided that the Kherson region is Ukraine, and no pseudo-republics have a place there. Ukraine will stand the test. We need time and strength to break the military machine that came to our land. I will not underestimate the threat. And I will not exaggerate the achievements. We are honest people, not Russia's Ministry of Defense. Which lies to everyone - millions of its citizens and even the head of the Russian Federation. So I say frankly: we still need to hold on. We still have to fight. Every day and every night we must look for ways to cause maximum damage to the enemy. In all areas of defense. Near Zhytomyr and Kyiv, near Chernihiv and Sumy, near Kharkiv and Luhansk, near Donetsk and Mariupol, in the south of the country and on the diplomatic frontline. Having such tactics and having self-confidence, we will regain what’s ours. We will come to Melitopol and Henichesk. We will come wherever our land is. And let the invaders know. Let all the collaborators they find know. That Ukraine will not forgive them. Nobody. Nothing. Ukraine will not forget. Ukraine will find and prosecute. Every single one. In any possible way.

赫爾鬆地區委員會已經召開緊急會議。 44名代表決定赫爾鬆是烏克蘭的地區,不會有任何偽共和國存在。烏克蘭會抵得住考驗,只是我們需要時間和力量來打破來到我們土地上的軍事機器。我不會低估威脅,我也不會誇大這些成就。我們是誠實的人,不像俄羅斯國防部。他們對數以百萬計的公民撒謊,甚至對是俄羅斯聯邦的元首撒謊。所以我坦率地說:我們還需要堅持戰鬥。每日每夜,我們在所有防禦領域必須找到對敵人造成最大傷害的方法。在日托米爾和基輔附近,在切爾尼戈夫和蘇梅附近,在哈爾科夫和盧甘斯克附近,在頓涅茨克和馬里烏波爾附近,在該國南部和外交前線。有了如此的策略及自信,我們將重新獲得屬於我們的東西。我們將會到梅利托波爾和黑尼切斯克。我們的土地在哪裡,我們就會來,並讓入侵者及其所有合作者都知道,烏克蘭人不會原諒他們,一個也沒有。烏克蘭人不會忘記。烏克蘭將以任何可能的方式找到每一個入侵者並將之起訴。

By the way, all humanitarian corridors, which were agreed upon, worked. 12,729 people were evacuated. The humanitarian cargo for Mariupol is to arrive tomorrow afternoon. Due to the complexity of the route they had to spend the night in Berdyansk. On every occasion, I constantly repeat to our friends and partners abroad that they should do more for Ukraine, for Ukrainians. Because it is not only for Ukraine. This is for everyone in Europe.

順便說一句,所有議定的人道主義走廊都發揮了作用,已有12,729人被疏散。馬里烏波爾的人道貨物也將於明天下午抵達。由於路線的複雜性,他們不得不在別爾江斯克過夜。 每一次我都會不斷地向我們在國外的朋友和合作夥伴重申,他們應該為烏克蘭、為烏克蘭人做更多的事情。因為它不單關於烏克蘭,更是關乎歐洲的每個人。

Evil that purposefully bombs peaceful cities... Evil that fires even at ambulances and blows up hospitals will not be able to stop at one country. If it has the strength to go further. I said this at a very important rally in support of our people, which was organized in Europe. More than a hundred thousand people in the squares of Italy and other countries of the continent gathered for a rally in support of Ukraine and against Russian aggression.


Millions of people heard my appeal later thanks to broadcasts and recordings. We now enjoy the greatest support in the history of Ukraine for our aspirations and our independence. You can take a public opinion poll in any country and you will see that Ukraine is among the leaders of those who are sympathized with and supported. And Russia is not just among enemies. It is even a bigger enemy, bigger evil than North Korea. That's what Americans think, for example. Ordinary people in all states. As well as ordinary people in all European countries. And I am grateful to them for this extraordinary support. Grateful for understanding our struggle. Because we are united by one dream - to live freely on our land. And we have the right to what everyone has in the free world. To a safe sky, as well as to our own land.


Dear Ukrainians! Our heroes! The world has always loved those who fight against evil. It was our resistance, the courage of all our people that inspired the world. Millions of people in different countries. Who 17 days ago might not have felt what they all have in common. We all have. And now it's obvious. Peace. Freedom. And love for our children. The children we are fighting for. For them to have a future.


I signed two important decrees.

On awarding 106 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who bravely showed themselves in the battles for the independence of Ukraine. 17 of them, unfortunately, posthumously. But they are heroes.


Glory to all heroes!

Glory to Ukraine!


授予 106 名在烏克蘭獨立戰鬥中勇敢展現自己的烏克蘭武裝部隊軍人。不幸的是,其中有 17 人被追授,但他們是英雄。




I - the decree on conferring the title of Hero of Ukraine with the award of the Order of the Golden Star to:

Senior Sergeant Vasich Serhiy Viktorovych. Posthumously. He bravely defended our positions in the Kyiv region. Destroyed enemy equipment and a significant amount of enemy manpower.

Senior soldier Parkhomuk Vitaliy Vasyliovych. Posthumously. During the counterattack on the enemy near the city of Makariv, he inflicted significant losses on the enemy and died heroically defending his brothers-in-arms.

Soldier Mrochko Kostiantyn Vasyliovych. Posthumously. He fought bravely against the overwhelming forces of the enemy. Thanks to his effective actions, the invaders suffered painful losses.

Soldier Svynchuk Oleh Anatoliyovych. Posthumously. He heroically performed his duty in the battle against the overwhelming forces of the enemy. He was helping his brothers-in-arms until the last moment.

Sergeant Khanin Andriy Pavlovych. Posthumously. Defending Volnovakha, Donetsk region, he destroyed an enemy tank and about 10 enemies. During the battle, when he was wounded, he helped his wounded brothers-in-arms and performed his duty to the last.

Sergeant Derusova Inna Mykolaivna. Posthumously. Since February 24, the senior combat medic has performed tasks in the city of Okhtyrka, Sumy region. She saved more than 10 servicemen, risking her own life. She died from artillery shelling by Russian troops, helping the wounded. The first woman - hero of Ukraine, who was posthumously awarded this title.

Eternal memory to all who gave their lives for Ukraine!

The title of Hero of Ukraine with the Order of the Golden Star is conferred upon:

Senior Lieutenant Hutsul Volodymyr Oleksandrovych. Thanks to his heroic actions in the Kherson region, 25 units of enemy equipment and about 300 invaders were destroyed.

Senior Lieutenant Chornyi Volodymyr Volodymyrovych. Thanks to his skilful actions during the defense of Volnovakha, Donetsk region, about 50 enemies and a T-72 tank were destroyed, as well as 5 invaders were captured.

演講片段 :https://www.instagram.com/p/CbBg9l6oXqL/

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