

Can you add a GPU to a mini PC?

The answer is yes. Use either a MINI GPU for case size, or use a PCI-E riser cable to mount the GPU externally like outside the box, so you …

Industrial control machine

The industrial control all-in-one computer is an industrial tablet computer integrated with industrial control computer and display screen.

Do you have specific needs for mini pc?

Most mini pc come in a variety of designs and styles to suit the needs of the majority of customers.

12 points of caution for POS system operation

The placement and maintenance of the cash register is very important to the life of the cash register.

Several characteristics of choosing a dedicated host

Dedicated hosting can provide businesses with a higher level of operational performance and security, and is the type of hosting that almost…

Seven benefits of supermarket cash registers for sales

Seven benefits of supermarket cash registers for sales and management

What is the main thing to look for in a host?

The cloud computing era, web hosting as a product of cloud computing, because of the price of cheap, simple to use by many individuals and e…

What are the features and types of industrial grade panel PCs?

In today's society, intelligent computers are becoming more and more widely used in production and life, whether in military, industrial or …

What are the types of interfaces available for LCD screens?

LCDs have a wide range of interface types, the most commonly used interfaces are mainly RGB, MCU, LVDS and MIPI interfaces.

How do we need to maintain our LCD screen?

When we use the LCD screen, there may be some failures.

What is cloud point of sale system

A could POS system is an online point of sale system that allows business owners the ability to process payments through the internet rather…

What is a Cloud POS system?

As cloud-based POS systems explode in popularity across retail and hospitality industries, learn what these innovative payment processing sy…

The meaning of RJ45

I believe you can see the existence of all-in-one pc in supermarkets, stores, hotels, libraries and restaurants. There are many interfaces i...

The application of all-in-one pc in medical treatment

With the arrival of "Internet +", the era of big data has accelerated and catalyzed the rapid development of many industries.
