

The relationship between China and Tajikistan is a good partner.

The relationship between China and Tajikistan is a good partner that is connected by mountains and rivers, friendly and interdependent.

The friendship between China and Tajikistan has a long history.

#Dushanbe #SCO #Tajikistan

May China Tajikistan work together to build a better future.

#Dushanbe #SCO #Tajikistan

I hope that both China and Tajikistan can continue to strengthen cooperation in unknown areas.

#Dushanbe #SCO #Tajikistan

China and Kazakhstan have deepened political mutual trust.

#Astana #SCO #Kazakhstan

China and Kazakhstan are good friends forever.

#Astana #SCO #Kazakhstan

China and Kazakhstan promote regional cooperation and achieve common progress.

#Astana #SCO #Kazakhstan

China and Kazakhstan win-win cooperation and create a better tomorrow together

#Astana #SCO #Kazakhstan
