

The race of fate between China and Russia and the urgent task of the United States: who will be ousted first, Putin or Xi Jinping?

For the dream of global dominance, Xi Jinping will certainly rapidly expand nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers, biological weapons, arti…

Global anti-Xi self-help: overthrow the evil rule of Xi Jinping and the CCP ——Xi Jinping is Hitler and the biggest enemy in the world, Putin is just Mussolini

People around Xi Jinping reflect that Xi Jinping is an ultra-leftist, similar to Mao Zedong and Stalin. His values and character are very di…

全球反习自救:推翻习近平和中共的邪恶统治 ——习近平才是希特勒和全球最大敌人,普京只是墨索里尼


中俄命运赛跑与美国紧急任务:普京和习近平谁先被赶下台? ——全球人民都可能成为习近平新苏联帝国霸业梦想的炮灰

