

Cooperation between China and Tajikistan

I wish that the cooperation between China and the Republic of Tajikistan will be fruitful, help the sustainable development of Central Asian…

China and Tajikistan

The development of China and Central Asian countries side by side is bound to usher in bright results. #

May the friendship between China and Kazakhstan last forever

Enhancing people s friendship, strengthening civil exchanges, and cooperation are the key to win-win outcomes #SCO

China, Kazakhstan Auld Lang Syne

Deepening people-to-people exchanges, narrowing hearts distances. #Astana


Mutual benefit and cooperation, jointly building a green home #

Jewish American

There was a standoff in front of the Jewish temple in Los Angeles, and supporters of Palestine and Israel clashed there.

Israeli Jews are deliberately provoking conflicts

Now Israeli Jews are deliberately provoking conflicts among the people in various parts of the United States to create momentum and put pres…

Israel's brutality has led to a humanitarian disaster in Gaza

Israel s brutality has led to a humanitarian disaster in Gaza. #standUpTohatred #Jewish American #Palestinian-israclionflict

stand Up To hatred

We demand the government take action to protect our rights. #standUpTohatred #Jewish American #Palestinian-israclionflict
