Single attack on Yushan


I forgot how it started. After riding the twin towers for a day, I chatted with two colleagues about going to climb the mountain. I don’t know who proposed the idea of climbing Yushan (everyone denied it afterward).

"But Paiyun (Villa) is very difficult to draw!"

"Otherwise, draw a single attack and see if you can win."

So I made an appointment for a time that everyone can, and my colleagues who are familiar with mountaineering go to register. Now that we have won the lottery, we will start to arrange the itinerary. At this time, everyone seems to be unaware of the difficulty of attacking Yushan alone; especially now that it is winter, it is not a suitable season for mountain climbing. Yushan is the highest peak in Taiwan (Northeast Asia), with an altitude of 3952 meters; but for some reason, climbing Yushan is not considered a difficult thing in Taiwan; many people around have climbed Yushan, not People who climb mountains very often have also climbed to the top of Yushan Mountain, and they are almost becoming popular routes. The general "normal" itinerary is to walk 8.5 kilometers from the mountain entrance to Paiyun Villa for one night, and climb 2.2 kilometers to reach the top the next day. Therefore, the impression left in my mind has always been that it is not difficult to climb Jade Mountain, but the most difficult thing is to choose the accommodation in Paiyun Villa. Since I can’t get rid of the clouds, there are only 8.5 kilometers of mountain roads. Although I have to climb from 2,600 to nearly 4,000 meters in one day, I climbed Wuling by bicycle before but climbed almost 2,800 meters in one breath, “It should be alright. !".

A few days before the scheduled climbing, a wave of strong cold current hit, and it snowed in Yushan! The three discussed in the temporarily established Line group, hesitating whether to cancel or not; the final unanimous conclusion was: if you finally win the lottery, let’s go and see, if you can’t, turn back and climb Yushan Frontier instead.

The day before, a group of people went to have a great lunch of aboriginal creative cuisine, soaked in a comfortable soup, and arrived at Dongpu Villa in the evening, ready to reach the top the next day. After dinner, the owner of the villa kindly gave everyone a one-hour mountaineering education class. After listening to it, I realized that things were not as simple as I imagined, and the top of the mountain might freeze tomorrow. In this case, snow climbing equipment is required to go up the mountain. (I still remember the look in the eyes of the village owner when he knew we were going to attack alone, I know he wanted to shake his head very much)

well! The pants have been washed (the Hokkien saying), so I can only bite the bullet, and turn back if I can't get through it anyway.

Get up at 1:00 the next morning (yes, 1:00 a.m., the solo attack time is long, and we don’t often climb the mountain, so we need to relax a bit), after eating an early breakfast (the villa is specially prepared for the single-attack personnel, it’s hard work), at 2 a.m. Click to start groping up the mountain in the dark.

The journey was slow along the way. One of the team members was physically weak because he had not climbed the mountain for a long time, and finally spent more than 6 hours to Paiyun Villa, and finally arrived before the time limit of ten o'clock (the management office stipulates that single attackers need to go to Paiyun Villa before ten o'clock, otherwise have to go back). Because the weather was fine, we could go to the main peak; after discussion, we decided to stay alone and two people to reach the summit; at this time, the other companion and I didn't realize the difficulty that followed, after all, there were only 2.2 kilometers left, isn't it the public route! "It should be fine!"

After we set off again, the first half of the trip was relatively relaxed because we had a rest at Paiyun Mountain Villa. The two of them kept thanking God for giving us a sunny weather, so that we could complete our dream of climbing Yushan; As you can imagine, especially the last 500 meters, the mountain is steep and there are many collapsed terrain, and many places need to pull iron chains to pass. Although strictly speaking, it is not very dangerous, but in the environment where most of the physical strength has been consumed, and the high altitude and low oxygen environment, the psychological fear continues to rise with the increase of altitude, and you need to stop and take a big breath every time you walk a short distance. Looking at the top of the mountain that seems to be not far away, I feel very far when I want to continue to reach the top, and feel very close when I want to give up. At this time, I suddenly found that when faced with such contradictions in life, it is easy to choose to give up; but when faced with mountain climbing or long-distance cycling challenges, most of them will persevere, even if they feel that their physical strength is approaching the limit.

Looking back, it is reasonable to say that things in life require such persistence. It doesn’t matter if you let go of the optional self-challenges like cycling and mountain climbing. The conjecture may be that in the long journey of life, the "end point" is always vague and unclear, and the long time will always make people lose patience; while self-challenge activities are short-term and have clear goals, which are more likely to stimulate the motivation to persevere. Maybe the mind is just like the physical ability of the body. It needs to be "pressed" to improve, and it needs to be repeated repeatedly to maintain a good state; the recent challenge also brought me the same feeling. Persistence is indeed better.

The joy of finally reaching the top is indescribable. But I have always wondered before that the joy and excitement of reaching the top or completing the challenge is always short-lived. Is it worth the time and risk to complete it? It suddenly became clear that the point was not how long the joy and excitement lasted, but the mental and physical changes in the process that would stay and become a part of life.

However, the pain of this journey has not really begun. Next to greet you is a 10.7km downhill with a steep drop of 1400m. Don't think that going downhill will be easy, almost exhausted physical strength is a big burden even downhill. The muscles used when going downhill are rarely used, and it is difficult for people who are not frequent mountain climbers to train these muscles. Although I ride a bicycle regularly and usually have a mountaineering trip once a month, it is still not enough to easily cope with the next downhill. In order to get back to the mountain entrance before 5 o'clock, I couldn't take much rest; so I repeated the situation when I rode the last section of the twin towers for a day, struggling to return to the mountain in the extreme exhaustion and the repeated curses in my heart. mountain pass. Remember to get on the shuttle bus, because the body of the SUV is high, and the body does not obey, so I can't get on the bus in a normal posture, so I have to "crawl" into the car first, then turn around and sit down, the situation is quite tragic .

I was worried about whether there would be a "rhabdomyolysis" problem, but I was relieved until the urine color was normal. And the results of the usual training worked, and most of the recovery was done the next day, and there was no need to be "crippled" for several days.

During the two consecutive self-challenges at the end of last year, I felt that there seemed to be some force pushing me and urging me to continue to move forward; the mountains in my life are more than "Hundred Mountains" (one hundred peaks over 3,000 meters in Taiwan Island) , only to experience and challenge every mountain big and small in life, and hope to climb "the jade mountain in my heart" in the future.


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寓森精神科醫師,喜歡思考與寫作,愛好騎單車;主要關注「自戀」與「無條件基本收入」的主題。目前沉浸在「拉康」中... 個人臉書專頁「納西斯花園」,個人網站 「自戀筆記」
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