I'm dead (full text)

The end result seems very reasonable to me, but to others, I don't know. But none of this has anything to do with me, after all, I'm dead.


I went to X to ask him if he had heard about my bank robbery, X said, no. All he knew was that someone had robbed the bank, but not who. The suspect was caught and sentenced to life in prison. I said no, the murderer was not caught because the murderer was still outside. I felt very sad. I checked the news and found the person who was in jail for me. I turned myself in. I said that I stole the money. This is money. The person who was locked up was innocent.

This is what happened to the old man who was taking me in. The policeman who yelled at me, after expressing his emotions for a while, touched his nose, picked up a teapot like a cauldron and took a sip of old dog urine. Tea porridge of the same color, forget it, what about the gangster from before? I saw that he didn't stop outside, so let's just arrest him.

Now standing in front of me is the irritable cop who yells and curses, because everything in the community is so peaceful, he hasn't encountered a criminal for a long time. This has led to the fact that if they want to arrest people, they can only arrest those who are not strict with their mouths. These things are completely harmless, and even arrest is entirely up to the wishes of the police. The irritable cop had never seen a real criminal, but now a felony was standing before him and turned himself in for the second time. This time I just finished talking, he had to do this, it was his job, and the job had to be done conscientiously - whether it was completed or not is another matter, the most important thing was to show a serious attitude.

The policeman said, OK, let's report it to the community.

I said you don't do this, people in the community are busy planting trees.

The policeman said that everything has to go through the process.

I said, can I see the person who was wrongfully imprisoned?

The policeman thought about it and said, this is not in the process, but it's okay.

I met the suspect, who didn't look like me at all. He was a head taller than me, and his muscles were strong, so he was not easy to mess with. I was thin, short, and a little hunched. I said I was the one who robbed the bank. He said it turned out to be you, so now that you have been caught, someone will let me out soon...

He said that one day, in the hall of a public place, a man came up to him. He took the initiative to introduce himself, and he said to him, "I know you, you robbed a bank, come with me."

He said he was at work when the bank was robbed that day and everyone could attest to his absence. But the moment the community informed his company that he was a criminal, everyone forgot that he was at work that day. His boss fired him, but added that he knew he wasn't in the bank that day, but it was also difficult for us to deal with, you go and tell the above. Your job is taken over by a new man without sin.

This is the story of the burly man being caught.

The policeman came back, and the sturdy man said, "You did prove that you were not present at the scene of the crime. We compared your fingerprints and found that this man committed the crime, so you can get out of here."

I was kicked out the day after the burly man because I had no criminal record and that was because I was dead. I found the big man who lost his job and I lost my life. He said are you sick, I said I am not sick, I am a dead person, why can I be sick? The burly man was very angry because I caused him to lose his job. He said that since you said you were dead, then you should die.

The next day, the burly man turned himself in because he killed me. The same policeman asked him, who did you kill? He said he killed me. The policeman laughed. This man has been dead for a month, so go back.

X looked at my corpse and said, whose corpse is this?

Two days later, someone who lived on the other side of the city got a call from the community. The other end of the phone said, you are dead.


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