Reading Bigeng|Introduction to $TUCK white paper, airdropping "a basket" of cryptocurrencies

It's okay to skip all the paragraphs, just pay attention to these four words: □ □ Juno.

Yesterday, I received the airdrop of Hullcat Coin ($HULC) at JunoSwap DEX , and I saw a carefree (?) neighbor named $TUCK living next door to the pool. At first I thought it was a meme coin, but it is not. This article will lead you to find out.

Source: JunoSwap

■ Introduction white paper

I will first attach various information channels, and then explain my understanding after reading the white paper . These are my personal subjective opinions. If there are any omissions, I hope you will correct me.

⚠️ Tuckermint Network
◍Official Twitter:
◍ Official website:
◍White paper
Tuckermint Network official website

✅ The reserve currency backed by IBC tokens

Tuckermint ($TUCK) is a reserve currency, so what exactly is it reserved for? As mentioned in the white paper, selecting a number of IBC tokens such as $ATOM, $OSMO and $JUNO to form a treasury is the concept of a "basket of virtual currencies ", and the shares issued in recognition of their value are naturally $TUCK is a good tool for store of value, which will be discussed in detail later.

If you are keen, you may immediately think of a " basket of stocks " and its corresponding index stock funds (Exchange Traded Funds, ETH), and indeed you can think of it this way; if you are also optimistic about the potential of the "Big Three" mentioned in the previous paragraph, or If you don’t want to make a single bet, or if you have a limited budget, then this simple [Lazy Man Bundle] can be a solution. These are the first two goals mentioned in the white paper .

The last two goals are related to stabilizing [store of value], based on the existence of arbitrage behavior - when the price difference occurs, continue to buy low and sell high in the two places until there is no profit - in theory, it helps $TUCK The price remains stable, gradually follows the growth of IBC tokens, and the market value increases.

Four Goals | Source: $TUCK’s White Paper

✅ Is this a rug?

Could it be a capital market where money is rolled up and the money is rolled away?

In the first half of the white paper , almost two pages are spent doing a "cost benefit analysis", of course to ensure that the public is safe.

What I find more interesting is a preliminary response to concerns that “decentralization purists” may raise; yes, the mint of $TUCK and the management of the treasury behind it It is centrally controlled , but it also values ​​(and does not oppose) the voices of the community...

Defend in advance|Source: $TUCK’s white paper

✅ Tokenomics

Next is the “Token Economics” issuance plan that everyone is probably most concerned about.

Issuance plan|Source: $TUCK’s white paper
  • Let’s talk about ② first. As you can see in the first picture of this article, the JUNO-TUCK pool was immediately added to the liquidity of $100,000 not long after it was launched. Now we know the reason.
  • At present, JunoSwap DEX has not yet opened the function of staking liquidity to earn "reward incentives", so ③ has not been implemented yet, just take a look.
  • Finally, ①, perhaps the most important point, mentions that when "JUNO" is to be released, it will also participate in the grand event and follow up, and the rewards will be given to users who have pledged $JUNO.

In addition to the JunoNetwork four-coin airdrop information in the previous article, the current wealth codes of $RAC, $RAW, and $TUCK are inseparable from the "Juno" boss.

■ Ending: A graceful woman, a gentleman with a good temper

It’s okay to skip all the previous paragraphs, just pay attention to these four words:

Pledge Juno .

A graceful woman is a gentleman, and a gentleman likes to be courteous.

I love Juno .

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