046 | Inferiority, laziness, arrogance.

This article is the second part of the "Living Buddha Point" series, written for you who often "comparison" or "self-abandonment".

Recently, I learned about the "Enlightenment" of "Entering the Bodhisattva's Action Theory" , and there is a concept of "lazy" that inspired this article. In the doctrine of "Entering Bodhisattva Actions" , "being lazy" is also a kind of "laziness". What is "self-respecting laziness" ? It is a mentality of "comparing with excellent people, I feel that I am not good enough, so I give up my efforts (diligence)" . And this kind of mentality, in the Buddha's observation, is also a kind of "lazy" .

Another very interesting concept is that the Buddha defined "humility" as a kind of "arrogance" . What is "humble" ? To win more points is to say that oneself is less inferior, and it is called humbleness. It means that others are indeed much stronger than me, but in my heart I only think that they are a little stronger. Typical ideas are:

Excellent people are just smart, and they can learn well at random.
Rich people are all because of a rich environment, and it has nothing to do with their efforts.
Wow, he's working so hard, I can't do it, I'll just lie down.

The most poisonous aspect of the "humble" mentality is that it obliterates your own "creativity" and "possibility", thereby preventing you from being your ideal self.

"Humble" and "self-deprecating laziness" often go hand in hand. Behind these two mentalities, there is no "confidence". So what's the difference between "confidence" and "arrogance"?

  • Self-confidence: It is the right knowledge based on the knowledge of oneself "as it is". It brings positive energy that heals, supports, and promotes.
  • Arrogance: It is based on the perception that oneself is "not true" , through "comparison" with others, the concept of distinction. It brings about negative energies of anxiety, worry, and unease.

In the Buddha's wisdom, the core mentality behind "self-respect and laziness" is also an arrogant distinction. (What is discriminatory thinking is a mentality of comparison) As long as there is a mentality of comparing oneself with others, "ego-clinging" will come out. (Otherwise, what are you going to compare?) Therefore, the thought of discrimination is the source of all troubles. As the saying goes, without comparison, there is no harm. Who is hurt? It is you who hurts yourself. When you compare yourself with others, others may not know at all. Only you are self-deprecating and sad.

Our hearts (or your brain can also) have such a "trend" that they like to compare, because "comparison" is a relatively labor-saving method that can prove the existence of "I". If you also want to become more "peaceful" and "self-accepted" in your life, the only way is to observe yourself "as it is".

  • Inferiority, deal with it with truthful observation. You don’t need to compare yourself with others, just ask what the “ideal” and “comfortable” self in your heart is like. In which moments, you are "comfortable" and "self-consistent". This is what "confidence" looks like.
  • Laziness, deal with it by observing truthfully. You don't need to be a "workaholic" or a "motivator". Whether it’s swiping the phone, or the flags are turned upside down, behind every seemingly “negative” behavior, there is a “positive” driving force. Maybe you are under too much pressure in the environment, and these seemingly "lazy" behaviors actually create a "healing" space for yourself. So what I would like to invite you to think about is, is there a better "healing method" than these "actions"?
  • Arrogance, deal with it by looking at it as it is. What are your qualities, behaviors, habits, and attitudes that make you better than others? As soon as you contemplate arrogance, arrogance transforms into "confidence" and "humility." Because you will understand that everyone's resources are not the same, and that others are weaker than you, just represent some superficial differences. So, what behaviors can you help and influence each other?

Finally, the opposite of inferiority is not arrogance, and the opposite of arrogance is not humility. Their antonym is "confidence", which is "observe yourself as it is." Knowing yourself, accepting yourself, and embracing yourself can lead to positive change.

May you become a better version of yourself and gain peace and love.

 About Korgi Chu (Grilled Chicken)
International Coach Federation ICF Certified Life Coach / Rainbow Coach 🌈
(Member number 009600446I) 👉🏻 The personal website is committed to promoting the "output" thinking system, and using "output" to promote the growth of more people.
Issues I care about are: gay issues, LGBT issues, personal growth, self-care,
Self-worth exploration, establishment of personal brand, career transition, efficient learning methods, financial freedom.
And everything that can make you a better version of yourself.
May everyone become a better version of themselves and gain peace and love.
Contact me: korgicoaching@gmail.com


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烤雞關於我: 一隻生活在南半球的烤雞。 輸出學教練,ICF 認證資質,Member ID #009600446I 致力於推動「輸出」的思維體系,以「輸出」推動更多人成長。 我關注的議題有:自我成長、自我關懷、同志議題、建立個人品牌、職場轉型以及一切可以讓你成為更好的自己的話題。 和我聊一下:milagro0828@gmail.com
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