Recommended episode: [Xiaoyu is good or not] Talk to the psychologist about the movie "Soul Turn" ft.

"Hello, are you okay?" is a daily podcast of a depression patient, talking about the life of being disturbed by Xiaoyu, as well as some whispers for the companions, and storytelling about depression/psychology/psychiatry, Occasionally chat about movies/Japanese dramas/zac

About the program "Hello, are you okay?"

Someone once compared melancholic patients like a broken battery. The charging efficiency is not good. Sometimes it takes a long time to charge, and sometimes it is full at once, thinking that it is fully charged, and the power is exhausted all at once. I am a "battery broken person" Chicken Cake is also an active duty depression patient

At present, there are (try to) weekly updates [Xiaoyu is good or not] The main unit talks about reading experience [storytelling is good or not] The unit has multi-episode serial storytelling or single-episode push book, and it is updated from time to time

Comments on current affairs or the experience of making programs will be when the [opening bar is good or not] unit has power and think of it, then open the bar and run out of power. XD

Opportunity for Inviting "Talking with Grass and Trees" and the behind-the-scenes story of the recording

"Hello, are you okay?" is a stand-up program that rarely finds guests to talk or chat with multiple people. The mental and mental effort required before, during and after the recording is several times that of a single person. For me, If you don't have a certain level of understanding of the guests, you won't easily invite them on the show to play in other people's houses and make trouble . You can play freely.

"Grass and Trees Talking Heart " is a podcast produced by two counseling psychologists "Grass" and "Wood". They can easily talk about psychology science, counseling and partnership. It is also a very popular program in the mental health category.

After getting acquainted with the Podcaster community, I gradually became familiar with it.
In private, I would chat and make noises with each other. After the release of "Soul Sharp Turn", Mu Xian and I both watched it separately. After the remote recording time, I decided to start the recording after chatting, so I couldn't find the notes at that time. I could only turn from the LINE conversation to a few words and couldn't help but wonder how casual it was at that time? real. Completely scriptless XD

I have become very accustomed to using verbatim recordings, so I feel comfortable giving myself to two partners to lead the dialogue rhythm

——The lightning protection line is me, I am the lightning protection line. If you don’t want to be struck by thunderstorms, please click and clap your hands, and come back after reading-

Recommended episode: [Xiaoyu is good or not] Talk to the psychologist about the movie "Soul Turn" ft.

This episode is universal listening link

Taiwan's Podcast World Encyclopedia aka Cold Knowledge King aka Chicken Cake Looking for grass and trees to play with, chatting about the movie "Soul Sharp Turn"

main timeline
(00:00:00) Opening, thunderstorm reminder
(00:03:20) Surprise!!!
(00:07:39) Is grass a comedian or a warm man?
(00:11:08) Outline of the Soul Sharp Turn
(00:12:28) Is it normal to cry?
(00:13:33) Is "My Dream" necessary?
(00:17:56) Cold knowledge of allusions on No. 22
(00:20:36) The Dilemma of the 22nd, the Authority Effect
(00:25:21) Ignoring other people's's hard
(00:31:28) Souls trapped in tangle
(00:36:59) No. 22 chooses to reincarnate on Earth
(00:41:11) Styling cool knowledge of prophets Jerry and Terry
(00:42:03) Conclusion

"Soul Turn": As expected of PIXAR, abstract philosophical concepts can be animated

- Is "My Dream" necessary?

It seems to be a beautiful thing to have a dream come true. Is the moment of realizing the dream really so beautiful? Is this the end of the matter?
If there are no dreams and only confusion, is life meaningless and worthless?

- Impressive scenes and the connection of the psychologist's image

When No. 22 was trapped by his own anger and self-blame, and his self-esteem was gradually worn down, he could not see the world beyond his sight. Not only could he not accept the helping hand, but he felt that he was "not worthy of being helped." "
You can only keep running away until you are pulled by the shiny treasure ship, leave the obsessive environment, and let No. 22 have a chance to see the new world

- After a walk in the world, you can find companionship for a while, and in the end, you have to experience and feel it yourself

Much like counseling, a psychologist can accompany the client through a process of understanding his inner self.
To return to the actual experience and feelings in life, in the face of all the unknowns and fears, no one can replace, only you can experience

Delicately aware, a gust of wind, a fallen leaf, is a beautiful world

- Cold knowledge about No. 22, Jerry and Terry

Extended reading: Why should the 22 in "Soul Sharp Turn" be taken as 22? by Film Critic Knee

// The original text was published in the narrative column of Medium and Podcast episodes , supplemented and rewritten with the transcript of the recording//

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§ Podcasts §

" Hey, are you okay ": the daily life of an active-duty depression patient

" Chicken cake hatching ": Podcast sound content production teaching, behind-the-scenes idea sharing

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雞蛋糕 GCAKE《喂喂你還好不好》:一個現役憂鬱症患者的日常 Podcast Podcast 創作者、製作人、製作教學 創作日常反思和閒聊在 象特
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