Another World Fantasy Novel "Assistant of the Demon" Chapter 7 (1)

熊太先森|NFT 社群研究
The 3rd Tianxing Novel Award was shortlisted. "What qualities do you think a person needs to have to be a king?" An Englishman born in the ordinary world - Bertha. After living in the Demon World for three years, Bessarius received a letter from the Demon King because he solved a dangerous incident, and learned that he was invited to become the Demon King's direct assistant with a high salary. However, behind the high salary, the responsibility that needs to be shouldered is not only your own safety, but also the life of others. Bertha's first job as an assistant was to deal with "Merlin"'s betrayal of "King Arthur"!

In the evening, the new moon falls, and the calories left over from breakfast are exhausted. My stomach protested with hunger, so I had to stop practicing, let Arthur go, and make an appointment with him to wait in the lobby after cleaning up.

The amount of sweat absorbed by the clothes is like I'm walking in a rainstorm, my shirt and pants are full of stains, and leaving like this will definitely scare away the people on the street, and even be hunted by knights, so I pay the long-term cleaning elves. Help with a quick wash and dry for laundry. While I waited, I went to the bathroom in the cold blue locker room, freshened up, and wiped myself with a towel from the practice range. Its temperature and light make me feel like I am in a Finnish ice building, and the place where I can sit and rest is icy cold.

The cleaning elves are different from the staff in the practice ground. They live only on service fees without wages, so the permission of the demon king is useless in front of them. The elves' obsession with money is like the spider's desire for mating. Even if they will kill themselves, they still insist on doing it. "No matter who you are, there is no room for speech without money." It is a rather scary and interesting race. However, since they are fairly reliable and "no success, no charge", like the public telephones they make, there are still plenty of people who will happily come to them for all kinds of cleaning.

While wiping the sweat off my body, I watched the elves' cleaning performances. I felt that they were only as small as the palm of my hand. They were completely different from those elves that were as huge as the human race. They were very cute and charming. With green skin, they have translucent wings on their backs that keep flapping as they stop in mid-air. Due to the speed of the twitching, the existence of the wings is almost invisible, just like a hummingbird. However, this activity also creates a considerable amount of exercise, which makes the Pokemon very sugar-loving and always on the lookout for sugar.

If you give them a sugar cube at this point, they should go the extra mile to clean.

Pointed ears are the opposite of wings, always stopping that curious quiver as they concentrate on the use of natural forces. Two elves took my clothes and flew into the air, and then pulled hard to the sides, vowing to shred it, so as to completely spread the clothes; the other elf closed its eyes as big as a fly , stood barefoot on the ground, held up a wooden stick like a toothpick with small hands, and waved the stick counterclockwise toward the clothes in the posture of a conductor.

The stain on the clothes responded to him after a moment, from standing still, slowly turning into a thin line of pure black. At this time, the thin thread was like a very broken spider web. One end of the spider silk was still stuck to the clothes, and the other end was flying everywhere. As the elf swung faster, the thin line became longer and longer. They follow the wind's lead, clinging to the stick and rolling out circle after circle. The originally thin wooden stick became a fat man, and the dirty clothes slowly recovered.

This imaginary method of controlling the forces of nature should be very similar to what I am good at: "decomposition and reorganization".

This is what the Demon King said.

Also seems to be why she hired me.

"Why did the Demon King hire you as an assistant?"

The full story has been published in Penana and will be updated in Matters!
If you want to read the latest progress in Matters, you can follow the #無Magic Assistant !


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熊太先森|NFT 社群研究主修出版及印刷設計系,十年寫作經驗,曾入選 Mirror Spotlight,同時為 Penana 特約小說作者,將以人性、社群角度研究區塊鏈、Web3.0、NFT 等時事。合作、邀稿請電郵至。
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