The Catch-22 loop that is in a dilemma and cannot be escaped?

Hamsters may be destined to run only on rollers, but we are not hamsters, we must be brave to break catch-22

When I was a child, I used to endure the pain of endorsing, complaining about why the ancients wrote so many articles, and what's worse, they still have to pass on it for thousands of years, so that we innocent children have no time to sleep.

Later, I learned that the freshness of language lies in those few words of "hanging book bags" or new-generation phrases, which make the communication in this world more exciting!

|"Catch-22 (Cat. 22)" the title of the literary masterpiece has become a classic term

American writer Joseph Heller's "Catch-22", published in 1961, described various crazy phenomena during World War II with black humor.

"Catch 22" stipulates that pilots can apply to retire due to insanity, but know that they cannot be insane to apply. This logical paradox makes this provision impossible to be cited. "There's a catch that catches 22."

The novel was remade into a movie in 1970, and a TV series was remade in 2019. And the various absurd plots in it do not seem contrary to today's 60 years later.

Therefore, "Catch-22" is often used to describe the seemingly reasonable but contradictory problems in politics, society and even life, trapping people in it, as if the results are the same no matter how they go, they can't get out of its loop (loop) .

|The Catch-22 of the Russia-Ukraine War: a regional war and a global wrestling

Recently, the press has often used the Catch-22 situation to describe the problems caused by being caught in the Russia-Ukraine war:

"The Russia-Ukraine crisis is a catch-22 situation that can only be resolved by mutually beneficial agreements .

However, in this global system of supply and demand dependence, the butterfly effect outside the actual battlefield will almost reshuffle the economic order. How to sign an agreement that is "mutually beneficial" for each party?

|Everyone Carrying Their Own Life Cycle Catch-22

Everyone has their own cycle of life more or less in their life. Some people complain that they need work experience for a job, but they are not hired for work experience; Make money, but find that you have no time to spend. In fact, internship is also a kind of work experience, and work and family, making money and enjoying life can also find a compatible balance point!

The thousand-year-old soul number 22 in the 2020 animation "Soul (Soul Sharp Turn)" seems to be a metaphor for such a paradox. 22 insists on not wanting to be reincarnated on a "boring" earth, but if he does not experience the value of life, he will never be. The spark of his graduation reincarnation could not be found. Finally in an unexpected experience of life on Earth, 22 breaks the loop to find the spark he needs.

This year's Oscar-winning Will Smith slap event is actually his own Catch-22. The person concerned may feel that his family has been insulted and cannot accept not responding, but as a result of the response, he and the people around him are still hurt, and it seems that he did something wrong. In fact, to break the loop also requires wisdom. If he had the wisdom of Director Ang Lee's protest against Chris Rock's racial discrimination back then, and protested or even left the audience with non-physical and verbal violence, I believe that the public opinion would all support him.

Hamsters may only be destined to run on a roller, but our life cycle can actually find a way out by wisdom.

In a rational way, bravely get out of the predicament that makes you fall into the loop!


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