World Bunts: Malicious Full


What kind of society is full of malice? Let's see what I say:

In 2015, there was a stock market crash in a certain country, and "malicious short selling" has been launched since that year;

Last year, a major city in a certain country implemented thunderbolt to fight the epidemic. Then another provincial park invented "malicious homecoming";

This year, the property market of a certain country has slumped after many thunderstorms. Then some places set hard sales targets. Then there are those who have rich bank deposits and do not buy a property, which is called "not buying a property maliciously";

What will be the "maliciousness" in the future?

Those who are not yet married at the age of 30 are called "malicious unmarried";

Those who have been married for five years and have not had children are called "malicious not having children";

Those who travel abroad without consumption in their own country are called "malicious departures";

If your hometown wants you to stay and build your hometown, it is called "malicious leaving home";

Those who use their own savings to exchange foreign currency are called "malicious capitalists";

Retrieving one's own deposit from the bank is called "malicious withdrawal"....

Tired of counting a lot. But surely there are only a few here. What absurd things don't happen this year? What is labeled "malicious" can be anything: eating maliciously, breathing maliciously, living maliciously, and living maliciously.

In the end, what kind of country or society can have such countless malicious acts?


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