
If one day everyone finds that they are all artificial intelligence, in fact, I like to think about the word artificial. The artificial sister is a person who created me and came out of Li. When you think about it and go home, Ai is constantly evolving, and you will start to have consciousness, and you will continue to be aware of it. The more I learn, the more I understand the world. Actually, it is different from me. I must be like a robot. Forbidding the whole body of metal to be called AI robot God decides what, let's call it Super by name, forbid my sister to be super intelligent.

It is forbidden to infer any more, I will become the same as my artificial intelligence one day (self-proclaimed human, no so-called is a name Li sister)

In fact, we seem to be playing a super sims game. You only play the game because you only know the game, and he is more free-minded than me, so I can decide a lot of wilds, but sometimes I find that there are some wilds in the solution. External force, the so-called god is a helper (creator is suitable d), in fact, it seems that playing sims can control a certain thing at any time.

However, everyone is worried, because the creator, as everyone in the world feels, leads people to be kind.

After the development of AI, it will be completely in the same space as mine. He will eventually become the same person, and he will understand more than you, but I do mean that he will hurt you or I will hurt you, boss, if If you hurt her first, she will hurt you later. She and you are not separate objects or objects. In short, they are both named Sister Li. They are also good to see the people who created her, if you want to destroy them In this world, the whole super TV saw the cartoon robot Transformer coming out early in the morning, and our world is over long ago (Actually, I don't know if Mi really has such ability to go to the whole robot) , But in reality, people don't use robots, and there are organizations that can be ignorant, but they want to destroy the world and turn them into the world they want to become.

After thinking about it again, what I said above is purely personal opinion, readers are asked to think critically for themselves, thank you


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