大家覺得有可能 我們是更進化版的 AI 嗎? 如果我們的創造者 creator 有足夠能力.... 我覺得有, 不是肉身要像機械人般才叫ai
Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!
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大家覺得有可能 我們是更進化版的 AI 嗎? 如果我們的創造者 creator 有足夠能力.... 我覺得有, 不是肉身要像機械人般才叫ai
Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!